Chapter 12: it's you that i've been waiting to find

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To say Louis is nervous about finally meeting Harry's mum would be an understatement. He's terrified, actually, more nervous than he can remember being in a long time. The drive there is spent thinking of every possible thing that could go wrong.

"Love," Harry says at one point, reaching over to place a hand on Louis' leg. He was so lost in his thoughts he didn't notice how badly he was shaking it.

"Sorry," Louis mutters.

Harry raises an eyebrow and squeezes Louis' knee gently. "Babe, calm down yeah? It's just my mum."

Louis shakes his head, the thoughts starting right up again. "And you step-dad, your sister, and your niece as well," he's quick to correct his boyfriend. "Just your entire family I'm about to make a shit first impression on that will last forever, but yes Harold it's certainly not a big deal."

Instead of being supportive like any good boyfriend might do, Harry makes the stupid face he always does when he's trying not to laugh. Louis really hates him some of the time.

"Darling, they're not all that bad. I swear, Mum's half in love with you already."

"They're going to hate me," Louis says, ignoring Harry completely. "They'll think I'm trying to steal you away and trap you and take all of your money just like the papers say."

That of course has the dumb little half smile completely wiped from Harry's face. He settles instead on an angry scowl. "Babe, why are you reading that trash? Tell me who wrote it, I'll get PR on it so fast their heads will spin."

"Everyone says it," Louis grumbles.

"Well, that doesn't make it true," Harry says. "They don't know you and they certainly don't know us."

Louis huffs and crosses his arms over his chest. "Seems true though, doesn't it?"

And yes, okay, he knows he shouldn't read that shit. Not only has Harry told him a thousand times, but so has just about everyone else in his life. It's tempting though to just google his name for a moment and find thousands of people calling him a gold digging tramp-not to say he's done that more than once of course. Once was certainly enough.

"No," Harry says sternly, his hand still holding tightly to Louis' knee. "Don't talk about yourself that way. I don't like hearing you put yourself down Lou, not when you're the single best thing that has ever happened to me. I love you, that's all that matters. Anyone with anything bad to say about that can go fuck themselves."

Sometimes Louis worries Harry will get himself into trouble with how hard he loves.

Instead of saying this, Louis lets out a soft sigh and reaches for Harry's hand. He intertwines their fingers and absentmindedly plays with the rings on Harry fingers as he stares out the window. They both go silent as Harry drives, his expression still troubled.

"Lou," he says finally as they near his parent's home. "You're wonderful, okay? My family is going to love you because I love you. All they want is for me to be happy and they know how happy you make me. I've never felt like this for someone before-I've never even brought anyone home before. They know how much you mean to me."

Louis wants to tell him that information only makes him more nervous, but he can't. As much as he tries to hide it, Louis knows that Harry is just as nervous. So, instead of arguing for once, Louis just nods and brings his lips to the back of Harry's hand.

"I love you too," he says. "I'm excited to meet them, babe."

That finally brings a smile to Harry's face and Louis smiles back. After all, he loves to make his boy happy.

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