Welcome to my book of art! This is art I created from 2017 through present time. I'm not going to lie- this is filled with terrible pieces but got decent near the end. I guess it goes to show my art journey throughout the years. Feel free to share t...
I apologize for not posting much! Iam more active on my Instagram. Those who follow my art account have already seen these, but feel free to share and give a like! These posts will be out of order from other posts, but hope you enjoy :) Also! Sorry for every post coming in sideways. No clue why it does! . . . . Fans of Karate Kid or Cobra Kai! I present to you the paper mache bowl! Between other projects as you see on my page, I made this 3D bowl that took longer than expected. The cobra's scales and the inside white is a bit messed up, but I guess that's what makes it unqiue. Wheather your a fan of the original threequel or the new Netflix series, I hope you enjoy! Share your talent!