Welcome to my book of art! This is art I created from 2017 through present time. I'm not going to lie- this is filled with terrible pieces but got decent near the end. I guess it goes to show my art journey throughout the years. Feel free to share t...
This is for @OliviaJWrites art contest. You had to draw a comic, so here's mine. It could have been better.
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If you can't read it, here's what is says.
Girl:Ok Ttyl Mom:What are you doing? Girl:I was talking to my friend Mom:Oh. But what did oh just say? What's ttyl? Girl:Talk to you later. It's short talk kids use these days. Mom:Oh Girl:You have no idea what I'm talking about, do you? Mom:No Girl:Like brb Mom:Nope Girl:Btw?! Lol?! Mom:Nope, nope, sorry hon. Anyway come one, dinner's done. Girl:Your so old Mom:WHAT WAS THAT! Girl:Nothing... Mom:WAIT TILL YOUR FATHER COMES HOME! Girl:😢 Mom:x#@2@x?3!