Chapter 8

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As we got done eating I was helping Matrona do the dishes as she then said.

Matrona: if something was to happen then in a last ditch effort I want you to take your sword in to your hands and yell sacred treasure release.

I looked up at her and asked.

Tsuki: why?

Matrona: saying that will release it's secret ability not all sacred treasures have a secret ability but I have a feeling that the one you have does have one remember when you say it but your heart in to it.

I nodded as we then got done doing the dishes as I then heard.

Matrona: now go get a good nights sleep brat.

I rolled my eyes at that as I did as I was told.

Time skip.

As I slowly woke up I heard.

Della: wake up wake up wake up big brother!

I opened my eyes to see Della on top of me hitting my chest I looked up at her as she then said.

Della: get up big brother it's almost time to go!

Sol: *yawns* it's to early for this.

Tsuki: I can agree with that.

Della: *pouting* big brother get up!

I sighed as she got off of me and I got up I saw that it was barely morning out I went in to the kitchen with both sol on my left shoulder and Della on my right shoulder as I then heard Matrona.

Matrona: that's a good look for you.

Tsuki: well I mean there light.

Matrona: hey make sure that your father gets 2 good axes the one we have now isn't going to last much longer.

Tsuki: can't either of you use your bare hands?

I saw her roll her eyes as she then said.

Matrona: it's for more sol and Della.

She says as I dropped them to the floor as they went to eat.

Matrona; they might not be as strong as some but in order to get their strength up I figured that they could start by cutting fire wood.

Tsuki: that's a good idea.

Just then I heard.

Zapal: ok is everyone ready I got everything we might need.

I nodded as I put my sword on to my back as I then heard Della.

Della: big brother carry me.

Sol: yeah me too.

I rolled my eyes at them as I picked them up and put Della on my right shoulder and sol on my left shoulder as we all then heard as we left out the door.

Matrona: be back soon or else I'll have to come after you all.

Zapal: don't worry we'll be back within a week maybe depending on if they have everything we need.

Matrona: you better be.

We then started to walk away as I saw this.

Quest: to vaizel.

Details: get to the outskirts of vaizel.

Rewards: 5,000 exp/$2,500/3 skill books.

Would you like to except this quest?


I thought yes as we started off in to the woods.

Time skip.

We was currently taking a break the kids was eating a snack as I then heard zapal.

Zapal: hey Tsuki have you heard of the seven deadly sins?

Tsuki: no what are they?

Zapal: they are a legendary holy knight group that was said to betray the kingdom 10 years ago but someone covered up the details about it and everyone was told not to ask questions I think it's a load of shit but oh well.

Tsuki: do you know any of the group?

Zapal: not personally but I do know a few things about them.

I was really interested in this.

Zapal: the serpent sun of envy Diane is the one I know most about.

Tsuki: why?

Zapal: because she was Matrona's student.

My eyes widened at this.

Zapal: she was accused of killing Matrona when it was some knights that had trued to do so but failed I found Matrona and healed her we've been together ever since but Diane is a giant that Matrona said was the rightful successor to the Giant clan because of her power she has brown hair she usually keeps in pigtails purple eyes and an orange outfit.

Tsuki: so she's like Matrona?

He nodded as he then said.

Zapal: the sin of sloth fairy king harlequin he was said to be a fat man that watched out for everyone but was accused of neglecting his duty but claimed he was hit in the head and lost his memory until it came back.

I nodded.

Zapal: the boar sin of gluttony Merlin was said that her thirst for knowledge was never enough she was and is probably the best mage ever to exist.

At this point the 3 of us was listening.

Zapal: the goat sin of lust gowther he is said to be emotionless that has the power to change everyone's mind in a spilt second.

We all nodded along.

Zapal: the fox sun of greed ban he was a poplar one so I know a little of what he looks like silver hair and I believe red eyes he is known by a few other names undead ban party animal.

I nodded.

Zapal: the lion sin of pride lion sun escanor it's said that he is unbeatable only taking orders from the last and most dangerous sin of all.

I couldn't wait.

Zapal: the most dangerous and most feared throughout the kingdom the dragon sin of wrath meliodas with his power he destroyed an entire city to a pit in the ground but he seemed like he was a nice guy from what I've heard he looks like a young boy but is older then someone in his 30's he has bright yellow hair and green eyes.

Tsuki: so if I meet them can I fight them?

Zapal: no you dumbass!

Time skip.

As we get to the outskirts of vaizel I hear.

Zapal: ok everyone take a blanket and rest we'll go in the morning.

We all nodded as I then saw this.

Quest completed!

Quest: to vaizel.

Rewards: 5,000 exp/$2,500/ 3 skill books.

Would you like to except these rewards?


I thought yes as I then saw this.

Level: up x5!

I couldn't help but smirk at that.

Author: what should happen next?

Author: what skills should he get?

Author: who should be in his harem?

Author: ok so he's going to take kings place in the vaizel fighting festival how should he fight Cain and should he win?

Author: how should melodas react to him?

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