Chapter 12

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As I pulled the name out I read.

Tsuki: howzer.

I looked up at him as he rubbed the back of his head it looks like he was thinking of something.

Howzer: (crap I was hoping I wouldn't have to fight the kid.)

After a minute he sat down and I did as well as I then saw meliodas say.

Meliodas: well I guess I'm fighting you Matrona.

I looked at him weirdly as I then but left it alone as I then heard the announcer.

Announcer: now then tsuki and howzer you 2 are up first!

The both of us nodded as we both headed outside in to the arena both of us got on either side of the arena as I then heard.

Announcer: *excited* ladies and gentlemen this is one of the final matches the child knight tsuki!!!!!

He says pointing at me as cheers was heard as the announcer says.

Announcer: against holy knight howzer!!!

More cheers came as I then used observe on him.


Name: howzer.

Age: 21.

Gender: male.

Race: human.

Title: Holy knight.

Fame: tornado maker.

Sacred treasure: none.

Level: 180.

HP: 35,000/35,000

Stamina: 33,000/33,000

MP: 50,000/50,000

Strength: 180

Endurance: 180

Agility: 180

Intelligence: 180

Wisdom: 180

Luck: 85.

I then heard the announcer.

Announcer: ok I want a nice clean match begin!

Right as he said that I used this.


As my darkness wrapped around my arms and legs I felt myself get a bit stronger and faster as I then rushed at mister howzer I jumped up and did an axe kick but right before it hit he blocked it and I heard.

Howzer: no hesitation that's good.

I backed away from him when I got my foot back I knew I was going to lose this I then heard him.

Howzer: hey kid.

I looked at with my guard.

Tsuki: what.

Howzer: kid what drives you?

This caught me by surprise.

Tsuki: I don't think I understand what you mean.

Howzer: what makes you fight.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2022 ⏰

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