Chapter 5.

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Thea POV.

Phoebe“ And then we did what we always do sent those grimlocks to hell!

Thea“ Wow another vanquish story *laughs* and your still alive.

Phoebe“ *rolls eyes* What ever girl I am going to drink some coffee.

I head upstairs and go into the attic I see Prue who's looking pissed.

Thea“ Everything ok?

Prue“ That demon that attacked us yesterday I can't find her!

Thea“ You need help?

Prue“ No I'm fine *sighs*.

I smile and head to my room as I enter it I see the woman.

Thea“ What the!?

She blasts me with a fire ball but I dodge it but ended up being kicked in the face by the woman.

Woman“ *Moans* My darling your soon gonna learn to mind your own business.

I glare at the woman I see her aura glowing red.

Thea“ *glares*.

I notice the red aura start to surround her as if it was choking her.

Woman“ *breathing* What's going on!?

I raise my hands that start showing the same coloured red that the aura has shown.

Woman“ *gasping air*.

I look at the aura energy flowing through my hands and I blast it in her direction causing her body to completely freeze.

Piper runs in the room.

Piper“ What the hell?

I notice Piper froze the woman and she pulls me behind her.

Piper“ LEO!

Leo appears and sees the woman he throws the potion that turned her to ash.

Thea“ Your sweeping my floor!

Piper“ Ignore the floor I thought you said you don't have offensive powers.

Thea“ I don't!

Piper gives me a look but nods and looks at Leo.

Leo“ I'll go to the elders.

Piper“ Please do.

Leo orbs away to the elders and I notice Piper looking at me with a smile.

Thea“ What?

Piper“ Nothing I'm just thinking how damn lucky to have you in my life.

Thea“ *blushes* U-Um thanks.

Piper“ How bout I make us lunch just for us.

Thea“ I'd like that.

I smile at Piper who pulls me in a kiss and I kiss back.

Piper“ Oh and we're gonna wear matching themed costumes.

Thea“ Oh who are we gonna be.

Piper“ You'll see *smirks*.

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