Chapter Four - The Doctor

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Chapter Four

The Doctor

Everything was dark and quiet. I didn't hear the hustling and bustling of the Observatory or the familiar sound of Tain knocking on my door in the morning, or even the stern voice of my master when Tain couldn't awake me on some mornings... 'Oh wait he's not my master anymore... he's an elder and I became a guardian but why can't I remember those details that should be important to me...? And why dose my body feel so heavy?' I slowly opened my eyes but closed them again due to the candlelight to the right of me being a bit too powerful for my eyes. A soft groan escaped my lips as I tried to sit up only to feel an intense pain shoot through my back. This pain made me remember what had happened. The Observatory was attacked, and that voice warned me about someone trying to kill us. "But why...?" I said aloud in a soft yet raspy tone of voice. The creaking of a door and footsteps alerted me that someone was coming so I tried to open my eyes once more. As I did so I saw a silhouette of a person walking towards me. "W-Who...?" I muttered softly as I tried to make out who this person was. "Shh... don't speak, save your energy and rest." I felt a cold rag being placed on my forehead, causing me to jump a bit from shock. "Calm down, I'm not going to hurt you, your safe." I identified this person as a man by the deep tone of his voice and the size of his hand as he placed it on the side of my left cheek. " You're fighting a fever right now. Your body went into shock from the wounds inflicted on you." He explained. 'Fever...? Wounds?' his hand left my cheek. "Someone your size falling down the falls and surviving is quite some miracle." I felt the tip of a bottle touch my lips. "Drink this, its water from our blessed falls that will help bring down that fever of yours." I did as he said and took a few small gulps of water as he held my head up a bit so I wouldn't choke. After I was finished, he laid my head back and I closed my eyes once more. "Rest, and all will be well in the morning." His tone was soft and calming as I felt myself beginning to drift away.

The next morning, I was awoken by the bright light coming from the window across the small room I was resting in. The pain was still powerful indeed, but my body didn't feel as hot or heavy as it did last night. I picked up my injured body and walked myself from the small cot over to the windowsill where I concluded my hunch. I was in Angel Falls... and my wings and halo were nowhere in sight, hence why my injuries were mainly on my back. My wings we're ripped off from the attack as was my halo. That is why the mortals in the village I was sworn to protect can now see me. 'Angel Falls is an extremely suitable name...' I thought to myself as I sat up against the windowsill and watched the people of the village do their daily chores. There was no point in panicking or feeling scared... no, right now I needed to find a way back home. Suddenly the door opened and a black Onyx hair and striking blue eyed man walked in. he was dressed in a very casual outfit for this village, only compiling of simple brown trousers, an ivory-colored Frontiersman shirt, and plain black boots to match. He held a small wooden tray with what seemed to have bandages and herbs on it. Our eyes met for a moment of silence until a look of shock and anger came across his face. "W-What on earth are you doing out of bed?!" he yelled. The redness of his face reminded me of Tain whenever I would get on his nerves, causing me to laugh from the slight nostalgia. "H-Hey! This isn't a laughing matter!" he yelled again in a flustered tone. "My bad, my's just that, your face turned all red and oh was it is quite a sight." My remark only caused him to turn even more red. "Listen miss, your condition last night was life threatening so... being out of bed isn't in my recommendation." He placed the tray on the wooden dresser near the door and walked towards me. "I'm sorry sir, it's just the sun felt nice on my skin." I told him as he grabbed my arm and wrapped it around his shoulder. He slowly guided me back to the cot across from the window and sat me down. "Sorry about your clothes by the way, they were ripped and covered in blood from the accident." I looked down at the clothes that sat loosely on my bandaged covered body. They resembled the clothing this man was wearing. "Erinn, our inn keeper took them in and is trying to repair them for you as we speak." He stated as he walked back to the wooden dresser to grab the tray with the herbs and bandages. He came back over and placed it on the nightstand next to the cot. 'Erinn, that's right the young girl who runs the inn next to the falls' I thought to myself as the man began to unfold the bandages and prep them. "I'm Liam Benjamin by the way, Doctor of Angel Falls, and who might you be?" he asked in a softer tone than before. "I'm Cana, just a traveler from err... far up north." Liam laid the prepared bandages on the bed and took a knee so he would be on my level as I stayed sitting on the bed. "A traveler from far up north you say? Well, it's not unusual to have an occasional traveler or two come visit the falls." The doctor sighed softly "but not an earthquake in the middle of the night... I assume that you had a camp above the falls and that's how you fell in? And the two large gashes were caused by the rocks that scale up the mountain." I gave him a slight nod to his assumptions. As children of the Celestrians the first thing we are taught is never to lie... but I have no choice as of right now. "Indeed, I remember falling but that's about it..." I told the doctor. He seemed satisfied with my short reply and turned his attention to my injured self. "Your bandages need to be changed today, is it alright for me to take off your shirt? Your entire torso is covered so I won't see anything." I silently nod at his request. Dr. Benjamin carefully pulled up the large shirt over my head. I looked down to see my entire torso wrapped in bandages as he said before. "I'll try to make this as painless as possible." He told me in a gentle tone and began to tend my wounds.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2021 ⏰

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