Split Sides

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Okay, apparently people want villain Hatsume. She'll be the only student that becomes a villain, and I have the perfect way to do it.

Wait a minute... Might add Tetsutetsu in there too. He's awesome and would be insane as a villain. Plus he could help to balance out the crazy, since we have Toga, Izuka, and Mei now being insane. The male villains tend to balance it out...

This won't happen for a few chapters. It'll most likely come before the USJ. And Hatsume will work as a double agent, since she still has her family, she'll live with them, and relay information to Izuka and Toga after their reveal. She'll also help the league by supplying inventions to characters like Gigantomachia, and sabotaging items on heroes.

These sabotaged support items will function in ways that restrain the heroes, such as a pointer and shooter that will slowly build up an electric charge to recoil on Kaminari.

Anyways, until then, we won't have much craziness. But we will have Izuka and Toga making fun of 1-A and 1-B


Toga dodged a strike from Tetsutetsu.

"You're slow. And your armor isn't as strong as you think."

The silver haired boy furrowed his eyebrows. "Oh yeah? Try this on for size!"

The boy reeled his arm back, before rushing in to hit Toga. His strike hit open air.

'Shinama' appeared behind the steel teen. "Too much of a tell."

A solid kick to the back sent Tetsutetsu flying. His hardened skin cracked a bit, before fading back to normal and healing.

"Damn, that's some kick."

Vlad King walked up. "Nice match! That was really impressive. After the last group, we'll be moving to the support course to look at your costume designs."

Toga sat down next to the rest of her class. A few minutes later, the last match finished, and Vlad king called for the class to follow him to the studio.

Vlad King opened the door and was immediately greeted by an explosion. Toga giggled a bit as smoke billowed out of the studio.

"Hatsume! Yumi! Just try again. I'm sure that you can get it down!"

Vlad king beckoned for his class to follow him, and the students entered the support studio. Toga's eyes immediately locked onto Izuka. She was busy working on laser cutting something with a pink haired girl. It seemed like they were fitting it into a small orb. All of the other support students were standing by.

"Ah! Vlad. We've been waiting for you. You're students can pick their partners, everybody is free except for those two." The pro hero Power Loader pointed to Izuka and Hatsume.

"Hmmph. What's with them? Already claimed?"

Power Loader chuckled. "No, they're just a little too advanced for the stuff your students have in mind."

A cheer went up in the studio. Izuka and Hatsume held the sphere in a pair of tongs. The previously black sphere shone green.


Vlad king raised an eyebrow. "Advanced? They made a glowing ball."

Power loader shook his head. "Nope, they just made the final piece for an invention, watch this."

Izuka carefully stepped towards a strange device, which hissed and expanded, opening up to show a small containment space. Izuka carefully placed the tiny orb within the device, which hissed again and closed.

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