Chapter 48

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-One Day Later-
Someone busts through the door while Everyone and I were watching a movie.
"Conner? Guys?" I say. "McKenna! Thank god your okay!" He says rushing over to me. "Who the fuck told them?" I say. Cam slowly raises his hand and everyone laughs.
Conner's P.O.V
-Ring Ring-
Me: Hello?
Cam: Conner, McKenna and Taylor were in an accident. A baddd one.
Me: oh my god. We're on our way.
Cam: okay.
"Guys! PACK NOW!" I yell. "What is it?" Kian says. "McKenna and Taylor were in a major car accident" I say. "Oh my god. Rickey finish your video later. McKenna was in an accident!" Kian says. "Oh God. Okay. Trevor!" Rickey says running down the hall. "What the fuck do you want?!" Trevor yells. "McKenna was in a accident. Pack now!" Rickey says. "Oh Shit!" Trevor says. "SAM! JC!! Get your asses in here!! McKenna was in an accident!!" Trevor yells. "Shit. Okay!" They say.
Twaimz' P.O.V
I was just eating and watching American Horror Story and I get a call from McKenna.
Me: Hey Bitch!
McKenna: it's not McKenna. It's Allie.
Me: what are you doing?
Allie: McKenna and Taylor were in a horrible accident.
Me: Oh my fuck. On my way.
And I hang up.
I run to my closet and I get out all the clothes I can stuff them in my suitcase. Soon,I was headed to the airport and on a plane.
-9 hours later-
"Oh my shit. McKenna!" I say and run to her. "What the fuck is HE doing here?" She asks. "I called him. "And your mother" Taylor adds. "Okay, ima kill you, Allie, AND Cam when my knee is in its socket" she says. "And there my co-queen of BADDBITCHICA." I say.
Heather(mom) P.O.V
As I am in the kitchen silently weeping about David I think back to the things he said to me.
"Your a whore! Just like your children. You let McKenna go around the country like an adult with people you barely know their names. You are a horrible parent." He yells at me. "SAYS THE ONE WHO BEAT MY CHILDREN!!" I yell back. "ALLISON TALKED BACK TO ME." He yells back. "You know that's it! Get out of my house." I say. "You are not going waltz into my life beat my kids, accuse me of being a horrible parent, and just say 'I love you' and I will let it slide. No. Get out now." I continue. "You BITCH!!" He yells. "Mommy?" Alex says entering the room. "Get your stuff. What is it honey?" I say. "Allison's nose is bleeding again. David hit it pretty hard." He says with tears staining his cheek. "You know what ass! I will do the same to your mother if she dosen't clean up her act." David says. "No you won't. Get out of my house! NOW!" I yell.
"Tell her I will be there in a second. Okay sweetie." I say softly to Alex.
"Okay, you asshole. You can call me whatever the fuck you want, but you do Never, EVER, call my kids a name." I say shoving my finger in his chest. I grab his shoulders and shove him out the door. "FUCK YOU YOU BITCH!!!" He yells. And I lock the door.
I go upstairs and throw all his stuff out onto the wet grass of the front yard.
I go and help Allison with her bloody nose.
-Ring Ring-
Me: Hello?
?: Hi, Ms. Sanders?
Me: This is she.
?: This is Taylor.
Me: Taylor as in Taylor Caniff?
Taylor?: Yes Ma'am. Um, bad news with your daughter.
Me: Yes?
Taylor: She and I were in a major Car accident. She has a dislocated knee and a cut on her head. She was also in a coma for a week.
Me: oh my god. Are you okay?
Taylor: oh! Yes Ma'am. I just have a bruised shoulder and a broken arm.
Me: okay. Seattle. Right?
Taylor: Yes Ma'am.
Me: okay. We are on our way. Thank you so much Taylor.
Taylor: No Problem.
I hand up and start packing. "Moma? What's wrong?" I hear the twins enter the room. "McKenna was in a car crash. A really bad one. Go start packing." I say. "Oh No!! Okay. We will. Come on Alex!" Allison says. I hate how my kids are so grown up at 9 years old.
Allison's P.O.V
"Okay, go take a nap" David says to me. We just finished watching Aladin. "Umm, I'm 9. I don't need a nap" I say. "Yes, you do." David says. "Moma says I'm a big girl and big girls don't need naps." I fight back.
"Go to bed now." He says.
Mommy went to the store to buy stuff for dinner with Alex.
"No, i will go to bed when Mommy wants me too." I say. "You will do as I say!" He says and slaps me hard on the cheek, so hard I felt blood on my nose. I start crying. "Don't start crying. You're fine." He says. "NO IM NOT. YOU HIT ME!!" I yell at him. He pushes me and I fall over a chair and hit the wall behind me.
Luckily, I see the hall way to the bathroom. David walks closer to me. I got up and run to the bathroom locking myself inside.
I know how to fix a bloody nose. David pounds on the door "ALLISON GET OUT OF THERE!!" He says. "NO. YOU SCARE ME!!" I yell.
I sit on the toilet and try to fix the nose.
"Allison? It's Alex." I hear. I open the door and see Alex. "Hey, why was there blood on your nose. And why is there more?" He asks. "David hit me." I say. He takes me into a hug. "Oh no. My nose is bleeding again" and I hear Moma yell.
"She said she would be here in a second." Alex says coming into the bathroom. "Okay"
Mommy comes in and helps me. "Allison, I'm so sorry. David will never do that to you again." She says. "How do you know that?" I question her. "I broke up with him." I say. "Haha, good!" I say. She leaves in a hurry.
"Moma, what wrong?" I ask. "McKenna was in a bad car crash. A really bad one. So start packing." She says. "Oh no! Okay, We will. Come on Alex." I say. Oh Please, God, Not McKenna!
Greg(dad) P.O.V
"Captain Sanders." "Yes sir?" I say. "Your daughter has been in a car accident and doctors need you right away." "Oh No" I whisper. "Yessir. How long do I have?" I say. "You have 2 months till she can get better." "Thank you sir." I say and go to my quarters. Soon, I was on my plane.
For 3 years I have been stationed in Irac. I am the Captain of the tanks. My brother had died 2 years before in action. It has been hard without him. McKenna had an even harder time. I am excited to finally see my little girl again.

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