Princess POV (Point Of View)

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Jade was bored. Even though it had only been 3 days, she was bored out of her mind. Kalinth wouldn't let her go outside, open the window, or even sing a song. She didn't want to be detected, is all that Jade could guess. Oh, by the way, Kalinth is a dragon, and her full name is Kalinth, the Young One. She was not as scary as one would think. Being bright pink, it was hard to look fierce,  but Kalinth made up for it with her razor teeth, her huge size, and her glaring yellow eyes. Though Jade had learned not to fear the dragon, for Kalinth was as not as scary as she seemed at first sight. She was always quiet, and gently with Jade, asking, instead of demanding. Though Jade knew not to push the rules. Even if Kalinth was nice, Jade knew that if she broke the rules, or upset the dragon, it could have a mood change very quickly. And that, could be fatal.

But first let me tell you about Jade. She grew up in the village of Rimevein, inside the kingdom of Whitmond. Her parents were rich travelers, but their favorite place to settle down, was Rimevein. Jade and her brother, Branek usually just stayed at their not-so-humble cottage visiting their friends and family in the village while their parents were away. Jade was 19, and had just gotten betrothed to the prince of Whitmond. Frankly, Jade wasn't to pleased about the whole ordeal. Yes, she knew that she had  no say in it whatsoever, and that she should just accept her fate, but she still put up the occasional fit about it all. She was actually rather enjoying the stay at the dragons castle, overlooking Raven Claw Chasm, on the far west side of the kingdom, Kalinth somehow provides fresh boar meat every evening, which cooked itself in the enchanted kitchen into a wonderful meaty stew with veggies to spare. And every morning, fresh hot porridge with cinnamon and berries to top it off. Jade was rather enjoying it all.

The dragon often stopped by just to talk. Jade had found out from her scaly source, that this was indeed Kalinth's first kidnapping, and that the dragon thought it was going quite well. Jade sometimes even sympathized with the young dragon. She was young, yes, but her kind still expected her to at least have eaten a few knights in shining armor by now.

"I'm just not that kind of dragon I guess." Kalinth had sighed to Jade.

"Well, I think you are a very nice dragon, and I wouldn't mind at all if you were to eat my knight in 'shining armor'. That would be a relief." Jade stated still not liking the idea that the wedding was in two days, and Prince Isak would probably be galloping across he countryside in search of his 'fair damsel in distress' Secretly, Jade hoped he would never get here, but she couldn't do that to her parents or her brother. They were probably worried sick by now. Even if Jade wouldn't mind a few more days in the castle.

Suddenly, Jade heard shouting from below, and looked out the window to find Prince Isak facing the dragon, mounted on his favorite steed, Elipsis. Jade always felt sorry for the poor horse. Though it got well fed and nourished, having an owner like Isak must have been horrible. He expected everything to be just as he wants it or someone had to get punished. And Jade had always liked horses, hoping to have one of her own. Maybe as a wedding present she would ask for ownership of Elipsis, to make sure she was treated very well for the rest of her days.

"Where is my fair princess Jade, you disgusting beast of the void." Isak demanded. 

Kalinth snorted, some what nervous as Jade could tell. "As if I would tell you! You dung beetle." At that, Isak drew his broad word and prepared to charge. Kalinth reared back, never having been in combat, not knowing what to do at all.

"Stop!" Jade yelled, "don't hurt her Isak. I'll come down." Moments later Jade appeared outside the castle and stood next to the towering mass of Kalinth. 

"Get away from that beast Jade, step aside, and let me spare it's head, from it's wretched shoulders."

"No! Don't hurt her! I'll go with you back to Whitmond for the wedding if you promise not to lay a finger, sword, or arrowhead on her" Jade defended, stroking Kalinth's lowered snout.

"What!" exclaimed an outraged Isak, "you want me to spare the horrible beast that so rudely captured you!"

"Kalinth is her name, not beast. And she has taken good care of me, not laying a claw on me.

"Oh, finx." Isak cursed. "Why do you have to be so stubborn. Fine. I'll leave it be, if only you come with me now."

"And don't you dare send any of your men to kill her after we leave, or I shall never ever marry you, and you will be brideless forever, never rising to the title of king."

"Fine." he grumbled, obvious that that had been his intent.

"Goodbye Kalinth, and oh!" Jade ran over to Isak, grabbed his helmet off his knee where he held it, and tossed it at Kalinth to Isak's protest, "tell your relatives that he was plump and juicy, but the princess got away."

"Thank you, I now have officially eaten my first prince." She winked back.

"Are we going any time today! We have to get back by sunset, for we have much to plan for our reception in two days. Goodbye beast." Complied Isak. He hoisted Jade up into the saddle, and galloped into the distance, Jade watching Kalinth all the way until the castle was only a speck on the horizon.

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