The Wedding. Sort of.

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Uuggg. All Jade could think about was how much her gown itched. It itched in places that would be 'un-lady like' to scratch. Isak had picked out the most poofy, lacey, horribly uncomfortable dress that he could find. Probably not on purpose, but you never know with Isak. Anyways, the wedding was in a few hours, and Jade couldn't wait for it to be over with. Silently, she almost missed Kalinth. Talking to her made Jade feel comfortable and she couldn't imagine spending the rest of her life living with someone so dull as Isak.

"Hold still. I just need to get it a little tighter." Her mother, Brooke, had been helping Jade into the gown for the last hour. Buttoning, zipping, tightening, and ruffling. Now she had gotten to the corset. The worst part. Jade hated it with a passion. But her mother had insisted that she wear it. Her gown was a pale cream, with a lacey bodice, and lace cap sleeves. Jade hated the neckline, venturing way farther down than she was comfortable with, she thought she looked like a slut. The bottom half, going all the way to the floor and then some, was so poofy, Jade doubted wether or not she would make it out the doorway. The one good thing about her outfit was her shoes. Because the dress was so long, Isak had let her wear her favorite shoes. They were made of leather, and a simple design. But Jade had worn them so much, that she had her foot imprint on the bottom and that were really comfortable. That was one good thing at least.

Isak had had her have a bag packed ready to go, because after the reception, they would be off the their honey moon. In it, Jade had packed only the necessities. Her brush and her favorite gown. It was also of simple design. It was dark blue with a gold neckline. It had a slit, so Jade could ride horses in it, with big, sweeping sleeves that gave her room to breathe. Lost in thought, she had not heard her mother calling her down to the room where she would wait to walk down that fateful aisle. 

About half an hour later, her mother rushed in with her tiara and veil, squeaking, "It's time my darling! you look beautiful." As she placed the tiara on Jades head, and draped the veil over it.

"I feel like a walking board, I am so stiff. I can barely walk. Did you have to cinch my corset so tight?" Jades mother didn't reply. Her father had entered, to take her down the aisle. As she entered the grand cathedral, Everyone stood and stared at her. Jade suddenly felt very concious of the way she was walking, and fixed her posture. She could see Isak standing at the end of the aisle, dressed in his best suit, adorned with all his metal staring at her. Trying to show off, Jade thought. 

As she reached him after what had seamed like forever, he leaned over and whispered, "You look beautiful." Jade ignored the comment. The preacher had begun speaking, slowly, drawling on. 

Finally, he got the to Isak. "Do you, Isak, Prince of Whitmond, Take the lovely Princess Jade to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do" he said gazing into Jades eyes. Jade glanced away with disgust. 

"And do you, Princess Jade, take Isak, Prince of Whitmond to be your lawfully wedded husband?" asked the preacher.

"Umm," Jade hesitated. Suddenly, The huge stained glass window behind the preacher caved in and in flew Kalinth. Jade sighed. Several of the guest's fainted, including her mother. 

"Give me the princess!" bellowed Kalinth, winking at Jade. 

"Never!" shouted Isak. He drew his sword from a nearby servant, who had been holding it. "I knew I should have killed you when I had the chance." Kalinth, with a flash, seized Jade and began to fly away. As soon as she reached outside the window, archers started to fire at Kalinth. All of the arrows bounced harmlessly off her hide. Kalinth wavered, but held steady, flying towards the Castle overlooking  Raven Claw Chasm.

"You know we can't stay here. Isak will know just wear to look for us. Plus, I need to go back to my house because I am not wearing this." Jade said.

"Problem solved," replied Kalinth, holding up my suitcase Jade had packed for the honeymoon.

"How did you...?" Jade trailed off. They had reached the castle. 

"Now go inside and change, I'll keep watch." Stated Kalinth taking up position by the entrance. Jade quickly changed, and wrote a note to her parents and Isak- 'Dear mother and father, do not worry, I am safe. I have gone to live my life with Kalinth, the dragon. She is the nicest dragon I've met, and will take good care of me. I would not have been happy with Isak, it just couldn't work out. I love you, Jade. Do not try to find me, you will fail Isak, you will never be king without me, and I doubt after this any girl would want to marry you. You are a stupid, proud, boastful little finx, excuse my language, and I never ever liked you anyways. Goodbye all, Jade.'  She left the note on the dresser and ran down the stairs.

She was now wearing her favorite navy blue dress. On the way down, Jade passed a stand holding a huge horse saddle in the halls of the castle. Jade ran upstairs, sifted throughout the drawers of her room, since they were somehow filled with clothes, and found the longest belts she could and strapped them all together. Jade grabbed the saddle on the way out, and ran up to Kalinth. 

"Would these work as a saddle and cinch for me to ride in?" Jade inquired.

"I don't know. Lets see. strap it on." Jade proceeded to do so. The cinch barely fit, looping into the last belt hole on the chain. 

"Perfect! Now let's go before Isak comes here." Jade said. She launched herself into the saddle, and they sailed away, carried by unseen winds, to places unknown.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2015 ⏰

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