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Chapter 28: Shopping

Lisa arrived at Jungkook's room without making any sound.

He told Lisa to sleep early because he'd need to do something important and he didn't want to make her sleep late. She felt sad that he couldn't sleep with him but still understood his reason anyway. She knew he was only thinking of her well-being so she didn't dwell on it much longer.

"Those brats! Are they trying to scare us with this shit?!" Jungkyu asked looking at the messages sent by an unknown number. Did they actually think they could trick them with such an ancient technique?!

[Lalisa Manobal, your gal, right? Such an innocent and beautiful woman. It's a surprise she's close to our cold and aloof Jeon Jungkook. She must be someone so special, you can't take your eyes off her. One secret, I can't too.]

"You think this pathetic bitch is referring to Lisa and not you?" Junghyun asked which made Jungkook clench his jaw in anger. Who else would they target if not Lisa? She's the only one closest to him that they could easily target if they want to trigger the one and only Jeon Jungkook. They know he cares so much about her.

"There's no one else," he said through gritted teeth. 

"Is her family secured enough?" Jungkyu asked the lad. Their tricks are so obvious. Targeting Lisa and her family, they are really coming after Jungkook's wrath.

"I have already secured them. I am planning on letting them stay in my penthouse for a while until I secure their safety," Jungkook briefly explained. 

Yes, he plans on making them live in his penthouse to assure their safety now that everything is getting out of hand. He wanted to protect the family that she loved the most, he wanted to protect that smile on her face—the same smile that made him fall in love, and he knew that her family was the source of her happiness. It would devastate her if something happened to her family.

"Have you talked to Lisa?" Junghyun watched the conflict in the youngest's eyes.

Jungkook shook his head, "No, I haven't." 

"Talk to her, Jungkook. But don't let her know of this for now. We need to make sure she and her family are safe before she does," Junghyun said to which Jungkook nodded in agreement.

"Keep an eye on her, Kook. Dad is getting closer to her. We can't sit around and watch, not anymore," his older brother, Jungkyu, reminded him making his blood boil even more.

"I will," he nodded firmly. I won't let anyone harm my woman.

He went back to their house after the investigation and asked one of his friends, Min Yoongi, for help. He planned to detect the location and know who sent the message.  

Upon entering the room, he spotted Lisa's peaceful sleeping figure on his—now, their bed. He smiled looking at her carefree and peaceful self.

He is so in love with her. 

Before hopping on the bed to finally feel her warmth, he decided to freshen himself and take a bath. He wore a pair of pajamas, similar to the design that his Lisa was wearing. He tucked the strands covering her face and took the pillow she was hugging gently from her grasp careful not to wake her up. He gently laid beside her and placed her arms at his waist, she moved a little and placed her hand on his chest instead and snuggled in his chest making him smile even more.

He kissed her temple and thought deeply.

He won't ever let anyone harm his Lisa even her family, he'll protect his precious Lisa no matter what happens. Even if it means that he needs to send his father to jail, he will do so. He can't let his blood ruin Lisa. Never.

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