Chapter 7

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Kaoru POV (after school)
I quickly walked out of school, I needed to go have a talk with someone. I knew they were the reason Kojiro was acting like this. It makes sense. But I didn't get one thing. Why would he want to change himself?

Kojiro was... perfect. He's caring and sweet. He always puts others before himself. He has the biggest heart. Don't even get me started on his looks! His fluffy green hair, his deep brown eyes. He's a great friend too!

There she was. At the front gates. Yuriko. She was currently flirting with a random guy, poor thing. I glared daggers at her and started walking towards her.

"Move it." I shoved the random guy out of my way, he quickly got up and ran away. I kept glaring daggers at her and she took notice. "Awe~ What's wrong? Another guy rejected you?" She pouted. It was obviously fake. She hates my guts just cause I'm gay and I won't hook up with her.

"Awe, did you run out of people to hook up with?" I replied back, crossing my arms. "Ha! As if! They'll just keep coming for more. And who could blame them. Look at all of this~" She motioned her hands up and down her body. I mentally gagged, I don't see what people see in her. She's just another girl wanting to have sex for the hell of it.

"Anyways! Bye! I have places to be!" She waved and tried leaving. But I shoved her back against the wall, my glare becoming more colder. "Oh~ Kaoru~ I always knew you'd come crawling back to me~" She winked while biting her lip. I pulled back while rolling my eyes. She's such an idiot.

"What. Did. You. Do. To. Kojiro." I demanded. My voice was low and cold, venom lacing in my words. It would most likely send a shiver down someone's spine. But not her. She still had a smug look on her face.

"Hey, Kaoru!" Kojiro greeted, putting an arm around my shoulder. He quickly noticed the glare I was giving Yuriko, "Hey... is everything okay?"

I slowly nodded my head. "Let's go Kojiro.." I mumbled walking away but Kojiro wasn't there. He stayed where he was. My eyes widened, what was he doing?

He was looking at the ground, playing with his shirt. When he looked up our eyes instantly locked. I could see guilt and sadness in them. There were more things but I didn't know what they were. It broke me seeing him like this.

I was going to ask but he quickly smiled, probably hoping that would hide his guilt and sadness but it didn't. "Yuriko asked me for help in Culinary, I offered to help her." Kojiro explained.

"Be careful. If she tries ANYTHING call me." I glared at Yuriko, who was standing a few feet from Kojiro. She put her hands up defensively acting as if she was innocent.


And with that Kojiro left. He went with Yuriko. Leaving me alone.

I didn't like this. Yuriko is definitely up to something, but what?!? I'll figure it out, she'll regret messing with Kojiro.

I didn't really know what to do now, I'd usually help Kojiro with his homework but he's with Yuriko. I guess I could go pick up some things I need. I've been working on a AI called Carla.

Carla will be programmed into a new skateboard I'm working on. She will help me calculate obstacles and change depending on the course. (Forgot to mention, they made S before the confession. So right now Kojiro and Kaoru are running it.)

I was on my way to the computer store, while I was there I got a few stares from people. I always get stares, either because of my piercings or my hair. It's either they're judging me or they're admiring me, I'm use to it.

After I bought the things I needed I immediately walked out, accidentally bumping into a guy, dropping my bag. All the items falling out of it. How wonderful...

"Woah! Sorry bout that!" The guy apologized. I scoffed and proceeded to pick up my things. The guy was still standing there, I could feel his stare. It was fucking annoying.

"Move. Or I'll make you move." I said looking up at him, giving him a death glare. Once I heard him gulp I went back to picking up my belongings.

"U-Uh.. I'm really sorry... how bout I make it up to you?" He then started to help me, picking up my items and placing them back in the bag. "No thanks." All the items were back in the bag, I quickly picked it up and got up, "Bye." I was about to leave but he stopped me by grabbing my wrist.

"Wait! Let- Let me make it up to you. I can buy you a drink?" (Like a coffee or something!) I rolled my eyes and pulled my wrist back. I continued walking but he started following me. This is getting annoying.

"Can't you take a hint?" I turned around and glared at him. I could see the sweat beads coming from his forehead. "I won't leave till I make it up to you." He demanded, crossing his arms. God damn it! Why can't he leave! Guess I have no choice...

"Fine! Fine! Let's go to that small cafe down the street." I sighed. I didn't want to do this, but he wouldn't leave me alone. "Sure thing!" He smiled, it was a decent smile. It wasn't as great as Kojiro's.

We both started walking to the cafe, side by side, until he tried grabbing my hand. I quickly pulled away and punched him. "This isn't a date! Fucking dumbass. I'd never date someone like you, you're not even worth my time." I walked away, heading back home. He didn't follow me anymore. Thank goodness.

Sure, I probably shouldn't have punched him but he should've thought better. Yeah, people stared at us and I saw some phones recording us but it's whatever!

Time to work on Carla!

Okay! I was originally going to have the guy and Kaoru date... but it'd be abusive. But then I remember KAORU WOULD NOT TAKE THAT SHIT! LIKE HAVE YOU SEEN HIM! FUCKING BAD BITCH! 👀

Anyways lol! The guy probably won't appear anymore. Hope you like this chapter! And hope you have/had a great day! <3

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