Chapter 3

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Although I'd never gone skating before, I ran towards the rink as excited as a five year old on Christmas morning. Zayn quickly pulled my hand, "whoa there, slow down before you hurt yourself." He gently coaxed me onto the ice, holding my hand each step of the way. He made sure we stayed close to the sides as he slowly guided us around the rink. " Can you teach me how to skate?" I asked him.

Zayn maneuvered himself in front of me, holding both of my hands between the both of us. He hesitated a little before slowly guiding us away from the wall, and closer to the center of the ice.  

"Alright so it's actually not that hard, it's almost like walking." He skated backwards, practically doing all the work for me as he pushed the both of us. I lifted my foot up, in an attempt to do it myself, and ended up stumbling into Zayn. He caught me before he started giggling, "no no not like that, here watch me." He made sure I regained my balance before releasing my hand. I watched as he grazed ahead of me, gliding gracefully as streaks etched his path into the ice. I watched as he turned back heading my way, shooting me a smile when he completed his little show for me by twirling in front of me.

"Teeaaachhh meeeee," I whined teasingly as I grabbed his hand again. "Ok ok. Here I'll skate right next to you and you just watch what I do alright?" I bobbed my head up and down and he lead us onto the ice. I focused on how his feet inched foreword, beckoning him ahead of me. I began mimicking his movements, catching up to his pace and eventually skating side by side.

"I think I've got the hang of it now," I eagerly chirped as Zayn hesitantly released my hand. He stayed close to me as I slowly started gliding over the ice. Moving in chopped motions at first then faster and faster as I began to get the hang of it. I turned towards Zayn, bright smile on my face, "watch this". I attempted to replicate the twirl he had done for me earlier, but failed miserably as i came crashing onto the ice landing on my backside. I stared up into the starry night before Zayn blocked my view, worry all over his face.

"Riley you okay?" He coaxed, concern clearly heard in his voice. "I'm fine." Zayn offered his hand and i grabbed it as he lifted me up.

"I shouldnt have let you go" he grabbed me by the waist and pulled me closer, kissing me on the cheek and whispering in my ear, "it's my fault you fell, I'm so sorry." 

"Zayn I'm fine, I promise". I squeezed his hand softly before leaning closer into him. He lifted his arms over my shoulders and pulled me into his chest. We glided in that position for awhile before I shifted myself to look up at him. I felt so safe in his arms, I knew he wouldn't let me get hurt as long as I was within his reach. His touch was so gentle with me, like I was a delicate glass and he didn't want to break me. I lifted my hand so I could stroke his cheek and I whispered into his ear, "just hold me closer."

He leaned down towards me and pecked my lips lightly. I smiled into the kiss. I liked this side of Zayn, taking control. The kiss got heavier as he leaned into it more. I put my hand on his chest pushing him away, but kept him close enough that our lips were still practically touching. "lets go back to my flat". "Perfect," he beamed.

He gently coaxed us off the ice, practically carrying me along. As we got off we sat on a bench and removed our skates. Zayn grabbed mine before he got up to return them, while I grabbed our shoes and belongings from a locker. We put on our shoes and headed back to my flat. Not saying a word as we walked along the trail, just holding hands and admiring the night.

Zayn held the door open for me as we arrived at the building. I walked up the stairs and towards my flat, searching for the key in my purse and opening the door when I found it. I turned the light on as we entered, holding my hand out for Zayns coat and placing it onto the coat hanger alongside my own. I signaled for him to grab a seat on the sofa in front of the TV, "would you like to watch a film?" "Yea sure," he replied as he took a seat. I walked over and placed The Wedding Singer into the DVD player.

"So," I turned towards him as I grabbed a seat next to him on the sofa, "where were we?". He scooted towards me, grabbing my head within his hands as he leaned in, continuing where we had left off at the rink, but this kiss was much more passionate and heated then the prior. I leaned into him as I lifted my hands into his hair, pulling him closer. I grabbed his hands and guided them under my shirt. His hands started off slowly circling my stomach, then shot up to my breasts. He fondled with them a bit before squeezing them lightly. A moan escaped my lips before he smiled into the kiss, clearly satisfied with my reaction. My hands moved from his hair and onto his chest, our lips remained locked the whole time. My hands trailed down to the brim of his shirt.

Zayn pulled out of the kiss, "you want it off," he whispered lightly.  

"Maybe you shouldn't, it's getting kind of late." Zayn blushed before standing up and walking towards the coat hanger to grab his jacket.  


"Yea, like you said, it's getting late and we both have work in the morning..." he trailed off, grabbing the doorknob quickly and leaving before I had a chance to say anything else.  

"Call me!" I called out, unsure if he heard me.


Alright you guys hope you enjoyed that! BIG BIG S/O to @Fork104 for the new cover, what do you guys think? PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don't forget to comment/vote/fan if you liked. If you're liking the pregression of this story so far please tell all your friends about it. Add me on twitter if you want, I follow back :) @ZaynSkunkQuiff

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