Chapter 1: Out of the Pack

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(A/N: hello readers welcome to the first chapter of the story. Now let's begin)

3rd P.O.V

"Life in the animal kingdom is considerably different from the life of humans, however they have one thing in common and that is the choice of life that they decide to live which is the case with this particular animal who was walking through the forest alone after leaving his pack. This particular animal seems to have a dog like appearance but on his back were stripes like a tiger, either way this creature isn't a dog nor a tiger, it is something that once had many members of it's species around the world of Remnant but in the end, they were all killed to extinction...........well, not until one lived on. This animal was a thylacine and he had just left his pack in order to find his own path and he won't be planning on returning back, he had his reasons but he doesn't want to be reminded of it although there was only one problem, he didn't seem to know where he was going. The forest was a huge environment and the possibilities of getting lost or stuck are very possible, the thylacine certainly did end up getting lost as he stops walking and looks around trying to see where to go but it seems that trees were blocking his path and he was stuck here. The thylacine then ends up laying on the ground sighing and laying his head down realizing that he might be stuck here forever"

???: go left

"Suddenly a voice could be heard which got the attention of the thylacine who lifts his head up and looks around trying to see where the source of the voice came from although it seems that there was no source. However he seemed to have understood what the voice was telling him and proceeded to go to left direction. The thylacine looks around only seeing trees everywhere as he kept walking forward to the left direction, he was beginning to get vigilant knowing that something might happen but he hopes that he was going to the right direction"

???: go right

"The voice suddenly appeared again and this time it was telling him to go to right, the thylacine was beginning to get confused with the sudden change of directions but he decides to not bother and go to the right direction nevertheless. This time something was different, the thylacine noticed a trail on the ground which seemed to be leading somewhere, the thylacine was wondering where could it be leading"

???: follow the trail

"With that said and with the curiosity filling his mind, the thylacine followed the trail eager to see what was hidden in the forest. As the marsupial mammal kept following the trail, he noticed something new in the trail and what he saw was footprints, these footprints seemed to come from some type of dog creature considering how they were shaped, the thylacine sniffed the footprints but he got nothing, despite this strange discovery, the thylacine kept going forward following the trail. Suddenly the sound of a bird chirping could be heard as the thylacine looks to his left and saw a pair blue birds who were watching him, this was rather suspicious for the marsupial mammal thinking that something bad might happen"

???: just keep going. You're nearly close

"With that said, the thylacine began running as he keeps following the trail which ends up leading him into a cave however he stopped running before his paws could touch the shadows of the cave. Now he was beginning to suspect something wrong with this path that he was following but despite that, he wasn't going to stop there and will continue till he finds something that cave that may be the answer of something special"

(A/N: music)

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2021 ⏰

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