Chapter7 summer camp

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Jasmines PoV
A short plump jolly woman arrives and announces she's the camp runner I stop daydreaming and pay attention to what she's saying. "I'm Sophie the camp runner. Your have signed up for a week of mind blowing fun. At treetop kids not only do we allow the students to complete tough but outstanding challenges designed to push them but we also enjoy lots of fun relaxing activities. As you are all different ages you will sleep in different rooms with people your own age. So Scarlett will be in the cocoon dorm, jasmine will be in the caterpillar dorm, Erin elektra and Cameron will be in the butterfly dorm. Even though you are not sleeping in the same dorm all the groups come together for some of the activities" Sophie says looking happily at all of us, finally she turns to mum and dad "leave them with me, they'll be fine. Go enjoy your holiday" Sophie tells our parents. "O don't worry we will" mum and dad chuckle quietly. "Right this way kids" Sophie says leading us towards a tunnel. Hot excitement fills me up at the thought of finding out what activities we will be up to. We all follow Sophie eager to get to wherever we are going quickly. She leads us through a stone brick tunnel, the limited lighting comes from well polished lanterns up at the roof. Cameron has to duck to make it under them. Once we are through the tunnel my mouth opens in shock the open lark hotel stands in front of me it is very tall made of marble lots of windows and every room on every floor has its own balcony. Next to the hotel there is a massive tennis court and the other side a golden beach. "We are very excited because this year we brought one of the wonderful open lark hotel floors for treetop kids" Sophie says unable to contain her excitement. "You will be doing activities all day and some evenings however some evenings you will have free to do whatever you want. During this evenings you are not allowed to leave the perimeter of the hotel". She warns before leading us up a fancy elevator made of glass. I gaze out the glass elevator as we go up and and up. I decide to look away when we get to the 3rd floor as I would not like to freak out in front of Sophie due to my fear of heights. "Ping you have arrived at the 8th floor, welcome to treetop kids"The elevator greets is as we follow Sophie out. She leads us down a very long hallway the hallway is made of marble with grand landscape paintings on the white walls. "this is the cocoons dorm" Sophie announces pointing to a door with a cocoon dangling from a branch painted on the door. Across the top of the door there is the word cocoons stamped on in flouresient green. "Go on sweetheart don't be shy" Sophie says leading Scarlett towards the door. Scarlett is trembling with nerves at meeting her new room mates. Without thinking i take her hand, suitcase, open the door and step into the room. The room is painted half blue and half pink in the blue area there are lots of little boys laughing and joking around on their blue and green foam mats. Along the wall next to them there are lots of small twin sized beds covered with a blue and white starred duvet. In the pink area there are 5 little girls also playing on their pink and green mats against the wall near them there are 6 two sized beds with pink flowered duvets on them. The room has a balcony at the edge with a window around the entrance. In the corner sitting on a wooden chair reading a magazine to herself is a short elderly woman with grey hair and small glasses in front of her blue eyes. "Hello" I greet gaining her attention. "O sorry hello dear what can I do for you"she asks politely. Looking me up and down. "I'm jasmine a girl attending this summer camp I was just dropping of my little sister Scarlett she's a tad nervous" I explain. "Well of course dear you go along to your room and I'll take care of her" the woman says and suddenly turns to Scarlett and explains which bed is Scarlett's. Leaving them to it I drop Scarlett's suitcase and head out. The others have left without me so I take my suitcase in search for the room with a caterpillar on the door. I come across the door to which announces that it is the caterpillar room I slowly open it and haul my suitcase inside. As soon as I enter I am crowded by lots of curious faces asking my name where I came from and how old I am. One girl grabs my hand takes me to a bed and announces "this is your bed I'm poppy and you are?"she asks me politely. "Thanks and I'm jasmine" I reply. "Who's the new girl" yawns a tired voice coming from the bed opposite mine. "O yeah this is my friend pippa" poppy explains. "Pippa jasmine jasmine pippa"poppy introduces us to each other. I nod and turn to my bed my bed has a light blue duvet on the colour of the sea. "Pyjamas on and ready for bed girls. Goodnight" shophie tells us. Even though I am really tired I do not want to seem weird so I put on my summer pyjamas shorts and a loose vest. Everyone else gets in to bed but talks quietly I manage to pick up that there is a plump girl with black hair called Nicola and a massive boy called Dylan. I think I'll stay away from them they don't look very nice. I am too tired to talk tonight so I clamber into my bed and quickly fall asleep.

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