Chapter18 the performance

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Jasmines PoV
Miss Webb pushes open a red door. We enter a dark dressing room all the walls are harsh wood with little hooks and seats dotted around in the corner I can see a dark blue curtain. I hear miss Webb shout something harshly and the curtain is pulled back she shoves me through and before I know it she has the most spectacular dress on me. The dress is a dark purple that fades as it goes down into a deep orange it is short has orange gems at the top just under my neck and all of the dress is covered with sparkly fairy dust. I absolutely love it it truly is incredible. I have black tights pulled up my bare legs and then faster than a cheeta I am sat in a chair having make up carefully splashed on my face. Once it's all over I stand in the wings nervously waiting to go on stage. I hear a burst of applause then silence. I hear the peernist start playing its a different song what is he doing miss Webb pushes me on stage. The songs melody reminds me of mine and likes story how we were in love and were forced to part. Suddenly the dance I'd prepared for weeks doesn't seem enough. I take a shaky breath and just dance not the dance I prepared a whole new one at least I think, that's just it I don't think i just dance letting the lovely melody take me where it will I let the music take over and I am swallowed into another world a world where emotions are shown through dance I give the dance all my energy and effort all my emotions from the last week pour out beautifully on the black painted stage.
Luke's PoV
I play the piano fluently while watching jasmine she hasn't noticed me she is incredible her dance completely mesmerises me I cannot take my eyes of her I feel her emotion in every moment. Her dress sitting lightly on her perfect body sparkling under the spotlight for her final move she spins and when she does the whole stage lights up it is completely incredible.

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