Where are we?

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Just before I start, I never knew people would like this story, I got comments on updating, (you know who you are) and heck I was shocked, so I immediately went to update. ON WITH ZE STOREY.

your pov
"(Y/n), wake up!!" Is all I heard when I suddenly woke up. I sat up and looked around for about half a second until I was knocked back to the ground by mando with a massive hug.
" I'm guessing your ok!" I say, standing up and brushing myself off, slightly dizzy.
"Yeah, I am, your ok?"
" I'm fine, mando...where are we exactly?"
" were in the game I think..." My face got into a worried expression.
"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ok...." I say, as me and mando laugh afterwards. Mando pied up the tabet. " er...if we die in the game, will we die IRL?" I asked mando....we both looked at each other with a very worried expression.
" I dunno, it's 11:58, we better get ready." He responded.
" KK, I'll be on the doors tonight. You can be on the cameras." I grabbed a chair and pushed it to mando. I grabbed one for me from the desk. i pushed it so i would be next to mando, i saw the clock strike twelve am.

"lets get started..." we both said, i watched mando check the cameras. he swooped through them very fast, and ironically, this night wa gonig fast. it was already 3:46 am and no animatronics moved. i just sat their bored out od my mind.

" WHERE THE HELL IS BONNIE??" mando said, as he checked the cameras, i ran to check the door. "ok, hes just in the backstage," he added on, about 10 seconds later. i kept checkin that lgiht about once every 10 seconds.

This night was going really fast. ewll, it was the first night, but i tought that would go slow. hmm... i checked the light again. but i couldnt turn it on..." er, m-mando..." 

" yeah (y/n)? whats wrong?"

" the door, and lgiht, it wont work...."  he looked at me. and hestated for a second.

" keep on watching it, onnies their. dont take your eyes off it!" ( high five if you get that referance)

" er, k" i said, watching it.  ididnt wanan blink, i was too scared incase it would kill us. mando walked to the right door so he could turn that one on whiel i was watching it. i heard a door close. "was that chica?" i asked him

" yeah..." i looked at him from the corner of my eye, i realised he still had his guitar on him.

" you stil have your guitar on you," i told him

"oh, yea!" i looked at the time, 5:59, i was then deafened by the bells when it rang 6:00 am. i backed up next to mando wondering what wwas gonna happen, about a minute or so later, me and mando were knocked over on the floor, and we landed out in the east hall corner (or the right corridor, idk which is which) And we both blacked out.

Sorry this is super short. its really late at night and my mum is yelling at me to go to sleep. shes like " SOPHIE GO TO SLEEP ITS 4 AM YOU HAVCE SCHOOL TOMARROW!!!" and im thinking " what the hell you have collage tomarrow so shut da fuck up" anyway hope u enjoyed

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