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Jimin looked at his mom, terrified. "M-mom" Jungkook wanted to calm him but he couldn't, not now. "Calm down sweetheart, it's just your dad." She looked at jungkook then continued "I'm sure it'll be fine"

They were no longer sitting, they all stood still as soon as they heard jimin's dad's voice. The door slowly opened revealing mr Park. "Jimin-ah where are-"

Oh no oh god no it's happening Jimin thought as he saw his dad looking at jungkook with a blank face. "What is he doing here?" He said, his voice cold.

"I-i invited h-him he-here" jimin stuttered. "Ok, you better get out now" mr park said looking straight at jungkook. "Jinyoung-ah i don't think it's right to-"

"I said, get out" He said again cutting mrs park's words. "Dad-" jungkook stoped jimin by taking his arm "it's fine, I'll go for now. We'll talk later" he said with a slight smile.

"Don't touch my son" jungkook let go of jimin's arm immediately. He was about to take his coat "no wait jungkook" mrs Park stopped the boy. "It's jimin's house, we should leave" she said looking at mr park seriously.

"Why are you defending him he's not good for our son, did you forget?" he then looked at jungkook again " i don't want to see you anywhere near my son again, understand?" Jimin was fighting back his tears.

"I'm sorry mr park, with all due respect. That's not gonna happen" jungkook said calmly "I'm not gonna stay away from your son, i thought i made it clear in our last talk" jungkook's hand was clenching on his coat.

"How dare you? After all that happened, you still dare to stand here and talk to me like that?" Mr park shouted angrily "shut up and get out before i lose my control kid" jimin was shaking slightly. His dad had issues, anger issues, and after jimin's accident it just got worst. he even met a therapist, but he stopped saying it was useless. He was scared, he really didn't want anything bad happen.

"D-dad, p-please calm down" Mrs Park looked at her son in worry "jinyoung-ah you're scaring him stop" she said with a gentle voice. "Then why are you seeing him again? Why did you invite him here? The person who almost got you killed"

"He didn't-" jimin tried but couldn't finish as his father started yelling louder "STOP DEFENDING HIM FOR GOD'S SAKE, JIMIN YOU WERE IN HOSPITAL FOR A WHOLE WEEK. WHY ARE YOU STILL-"

"BECAUSE I LOVE HIM, I DID BACK THEN AND I STILL DO. YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT WHAT REALLY HAPPENED" he was crying at this point, but Mr Park was already pissed. He was seeing red. "SHUT UP, STOP ARGUING WITH YOUR FATHER AND JUST SHUT YOUR MOUTH" He yelled as he throwed the first thing he could touch.

Mrs Park screamed as she saw his husband throwing a vase at her son, and jimin just froze from shock. It all happened in one second, in a snap of finger.

Jungkook grabbed jimin's arm and pulled him back harshly, hugging him tight and hiding his face in his chest. The vase hit Jungkook's back making him groan, and cracked. Its pieces flying around and hitting the floor.

After that it was silence, just the sound of them breathing. Mr Park's eyes were wide, not believing what he just did. Mrs Park opened her eyes slowly looking at the sight in front of him.

Jungkook quickly cupped jimin's face looking at him from head to toe, making sure he's not hurt. "Are you fine? Did you get hurt?" He said in a whisper. Jimin looked at him in shock "j-jungkook your b-bac-" He stuttered "it's fine, I'm okay. Are you?" Jimin just nodded slowly, baffled.

"Leave" Mrs Park said angrily, catching everyone's attention. "Leave jinyoung, right now." Mr park looked at his wife, he tried to defend himself but was cut off. "Don't you dare, don't you dare say a word. You almost hurt our son, open your fucking eyes before attacking jungkook. Who hurt jimin and who protected him? You dare to blame jungkook for the ACCIDENT that happened years ago, when you yourself just..." Mrs Park closed her eyes tightly.

Mr Park just stared at her, she was right and he knew it. He was feeling guilty, but not for blaming jungkook. "Fine, I'll leave now. Jimin.." He looked at the way jimin flinched in Jungkook's arms, and looked down even more guilty "I'm sorry son, i didn't mean to..." He shaked his head and looked up again, this time at jungkook, who was glaring at him "we still have to talk jeon, it's not over" then he left, ignoring his wife's huffing.

Jungkook looked at Mrs Park and then Jimin "I'll just..i guess I'll leave now" Mrs Park looked at him and smiled faintly "thank you jungkook, i don't know what really happened years ago, at that day. But i saw you today, saw how you both matured. I'm sorry for splitting you two 10 years sgo, but please..." she looked at jimin who was looking at her with tears "Don't give up, none of you"

Jungkook smiled back and looked at jimin who was looking down. "I'm not planning to, not this time" jimin looked up and smiled faintly. Mrs Park then gasped suddenly, both of them looking at her shocked. "Oh god right your back. Omg how could i forget, are you fine? Oh lord your shirt is too thin, i hope you're not hurt badly" jimin's eyes widened just remembering what happened.

"Kook, let me take care of it. Omg I'm so sorry jungkook, just wait here i think there's a first aid kit in the bathroom. Just wait okay?" Jimin was rushing to bathroom as Mrs Park was nodding, but jungkook took his hand to stop him. "It's okay jimin, I'm fine." He then looked at Mrs Park "thank you, but I'm not hurt." He smiled at them and soon getting his coat and saying goodbye, he left the two to talk.

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