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The two women were shocked and started telling everything to mr park and jeon, as soon as they got home. The men didn't expect it and started feeling guilty. Specially mr Park, after what happened he couldn't face jimin and could barely talk to mrs Park without being embarrassed. He even started to go to doctor to make things better, But now knowing the truth, he felt even more horrible.


"You are joking right?"
"Ofc not"
"I can't believe you really did that to the poor boy"
"Poor boy? Jeon, that 'poor boy' bullied you for a week. I can't believe you didn't tell me sooner. Anyway He deserved it, also it wasn't his first time."
"It wasn't?"
"No, i went there to give him a lessen about bullying you but he thought i'm mad bcs of tete"
"What? He bullied tae?"
"YES, he stole his money about..two?three? Times."
"I can't believe tae didn't tell me"
"See? That's my problem, neither of you told me anything. Why? Why can't you be honest? Am i not your friend?"
"Hyung..i just..didn't want to put you in trouble. I bet tae thought so too, sometimes you get too aggressive "

Jimin and Jungkook were walking and laughing together, they were about to meet taehyung at their usuall place. A shortcut they found few months ago, there was no one around there so they could play and hang out freely.

"Hey that's tae" jk said.
"But who is that?" Jimin said pointing at the man next to taehyung, they stopped for a second until jungkook saw another male a little further "there are two peo- TAE" jungkook stopped mid sentence when he saw the man grabbing tae's butt.

Both of them rushed to taehyung, but the man who was standing further came in front of them to stop them. They saw the other male taking tae to the car that was parked at the end of the alley. They were struggling to fight or pass the man to help tae since the man was so much bigger than them and stronger. At some point They were both hurt and injured on the ground.

"On count of three, go and help tae" jimin, the stronger of the two, whispered to jungkook. He was used to getting in fights, he knew he couldn't beat this man but he also knew that he could waste some time and keep him distracted.

"One, two...THREE" jungkook, the smaller and faster one, ran quickly and went to the next street. There he found Taehyung and the man. Taehyung was pinned to the hood of the car and The man was on top of him. He had one hand on taehyung's mouth to shut his screams and the other one somewhere jk couldn't see.

The man was struggling to keep taehyung in place and jungkook saw it as a chance to attack. He pushed the man off of tae and kicked him on 'the' spot. Tae helped a little and together they got to escape the man, whose head hit the wall and knocked out.

They started to run to jimin to help but stopped when taehyung groaned and held his head "k-kook.." he let out in a small voice, jungkook held him in his arms. "He..he did s-something to m-"

"What? TAE.." he fell unconscious in his arms, jungkook took a close look at him and the man he saw a syringe on the floor next to the alley entrance and only then he realized...tae's pant's button were open and his shirt a little ripped.

"Omg, taehyung-ah. I-I'm sorry, we were l-late again..." he said with teary eyes, he carried him on his back and changed his direction to his house. But then...

"AAAAAHHHH" Jungkook stopped and looked back 'Jimin' what should he do? He immediately went to the man on the floor and got his phone, he quickly dialed the number. He was sobbing at this point, "h-hello? 112?" I'm sorry jimin-ah

When he arrived home he quickly put Tae on his bed and went downstairs to get some water, there he saw his mother coming out of her room in panic while while talking on the phone, eyes wide.

Jimin was in hospital

[End of Flashback]

Mrs Park gasped and Mrs Jeon covered her mouth, both of their eyes teary. "As you both know i was often sexually harassed by my drunk father. i still remember the day they found out, we all cried and they said sorry non-stop for not figuring it out sooner. They got me out of that house and introduced me to their families. I was so lucky that after losing the only member of my family i was warmly welcomed into not one but two families " Taehyung said with a sad smile.

"Jungkook stayed by my side the whole time because we didn't want Mrs Jeon to find out" he looked at Mrs Jeon looking ashamed, but she just closed her eyes tight. "After jimin was dismissed from hospital he came straight to us, since jungkook and him secretly texted or called each other ever since he woke up. Though his dad thought he came just for jungkook and got mad so he quickly came to take him away." Mrs Park throw her head down.

"I told them...that I'm scared" at that both of them looked at him again, " i told them i was scared of anyone finding out that...'That' happened to me again. That i was so weak that i couldn't stop some creep from using my bod-" his voice was rising so he stopped himself and clenched his jaw, still looking down.

"I used to be bullied in school for what happened with my dad, i was scared that would happen again. I was being selfish and i knew it but they stayed quiet, i didn't know they did..i thought you knew the truth. It caused them to separate But even after 10 years they still-" He chuckled bitterly. He had two idiot best friends who took care of him since day one and he loved them whole heartedly.

After all the explanations Mrs Park and Jeon comforted him and assured him that they're there for him, always no matter what, just like their own son. They talked for a couple of hours until they bid their goodbyes. Taehyung was glad that after that accident and jimin's trip, after 10 years, feelings didn't change. They still saw him as a family, he still had his two best friends. And those friends still loved each other. He was glad that everything began to be exactly like how it used to be.

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