What Deal?

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Lilly's P.O.V

We kept on running, me a bit ahead of Felix as he kept on looking behind me.
I started to run out of breath, my running slowed down and Felix imedietly caught up and stopped us down.

"Are you okay!? Whats wrong!?" Felix worried.

"Nothing, im fine, just a bit out of breath"  I said.

"You shouldn't be running this much" He said.

"Look, i have been pregnant for like.. two days. Its not gonna hurt if i run" I explained.

"Well let me atleast carry you then" Felix said.

"No its fine, don't worry about me. I think we are far enough anyway. We must be close to camp by now" I explained.

"Okay come on then" He replied.

I started running again and about a bit later, i could see the camp. When we finally reached the camp, all the boys looked over.

"Pan! Their back!" One shouted.

"Lilly, Felix where you been!?" Dax asked.

"I'll tell you later" I replied.

"Where is Pan?" Felix asked.

"In the treehouse, why?" Ben asked.

"Dont worry about it" He replied.

Felix suddenly grabbed my wrist and pulled me away from the boys and to the treehouse.

"Come on, lets go talk to him" Felix said.

"Wait no we can't, if we say about Curtis who know's what he will do!?" I explained.

"Its fine, maybe he is better now"

I opened the door and started walking up the stairs, Felix behind me of course.

"Peter?" I asked quietly once i reached the top of the stairs. I looked in the living room, nope not there. Then i looked in the kitching, once again not there.


"What was that!?" I asked.

"Im not sure" Felix replied.

I rushed right into the bedroom. There he was, in the corner of the room, hands over his eyes, knee's up, crying. In the middle of the room was glass, smashed everywhere. I slowly walked past the glass and towards him. I knelt down and rested my hands on his knee's. I looked at Felix and gave him a nod, he then left the treehouse.

"Peter? Honey?" No reply.

"Peter whats wrong?" I asked.

"C..Curtis, he got into my head" He finally replied.

"He's in my head too dont forget, we can overcome this, together" I explained.

"You don't understand! He said he will find you, and... and kill you and our baby" He looked up at me and cried.

"No, no he wont, because do you know why?" I said.

"Why?" He asked.

"Because, he will never touch him/her. We can keep him away, dont you worry, if i burn, he burns with me" I replied whilst sitting down beside him and cuddling up to him. I rested my head on his shoulder and he placed his arm around me.

"I love you so much Lilly, and i never want to let you go" He said as he kissed my forehead. I looked up into his eyes, his gorgeous eyes, not the dark cloud.

My lips met his and moved in synch. It still feels like a million butterflys in my tummy, and no not cos im pregnant. He pulled away and stood up. He helped me up and then picked me up gently. I giggled slightly. He had the most beautiful smile on his face. He gently placed me on the bed and crawled ontop of me.

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