Is it even possible?

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Pans P.O.V

I felt power pumping through my vains, I never thought I would be in so much pain. I opened my eyes and saw the ground rumbling. In front of me was Regina.

"What happened!? Where is Henry!?" I shouted at her.

"You didn't get Henrys heart, Lilly didn't want you to have his, she sacrificed herself for you, for your selfishness! Now look! Neverland is falling apart! Its going down and you are going down with it!" She shouted back.

I instantly turned around and saw Lilly laying on the floor... Lifeless. No.. It can't be! I rush over to her and held her in my arms. Tears were escaping my eyes. I turned back and Regina was gone.

Narrators P.O.V

Pan held Lilly in his arms, cradling her back and forth whilst crying in pain. Many thoughts rushed through his mind.

"Lilly please, please come back to me, please you can't leave me, I'm sorry! Okay I said it I'm sorry! Just don't leave me!" Pan cried whilst holding her tight.

Skull rock was starting to fall apart, and so was Neverland. Felix burst up the stairs.

"Pan if we don't get out of here we are gonna die! Let's go!" Felix tried to shout over the loud noise.

"No! I'm not gonna leave her! Not until she comes back to me!" Pan cried. Tears were flowing out his eyes like a waterfall. A single tear fell onto Lilly's lifeless body.

Instantly a massive glow appeared out of nowhere. Pan and Felix sheiled their eyes, for it was too bright to look. The ground shifted beneath them, they could just about see the walls repairing. What was happening? The glow started to die down just enough to see Lilly, then it fully stopped. Pan looked down at her hoping for the best. Suddenly Lilly's eyes burst open as she shot up to gasp for air. Pans arms wrapped themselves around her arms instantly.

Lilly's P.O.V

Darkness... Everywhere. But then a little spec of light came out of nowhere, that spec of light wasn't a spec, it grew until it became a person.


"Who are you?" I asked

"Im the spirit of Neverland"

"Am I dead?"

"Yes, you are but there is something so special about you, I cannot let you die"

"Why what's gonna happen?" I asked.

"In order for you to live, you need to be one with me"

"And how are you gonna do that?"

"Like this" suddenly I felt a force hit me, I opened my eyes up and saw Pan with his eyes pouring with tears. I shot up to gasp for air.

I couldn't breath, i was choking. Why cant i breath!? Instantly Pans arms wrapped around me. Then i was able to breath. I wrapped my arms around him as well. Tears were pouring out my eyes.

Narrators P.O.V

Tears were pouring out of Lillys eyes as Pan held her.

"Im sorry, im so sorry Peter" Lilly gasped for air.

"Its okay, shhh, calm down okay, i got you" Pan reasured as he stroked her hair.

"Im really sorry" She cried, "I didn't want you to kill him"

"I know, i realised i was selfish" Pan replied.

Lilly and Pan fit together like two peices of a puzzle.

Together again - (a Peter Pan from ouat fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now