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So much has passed a war still going between humanity and sirens, nothing has changed except that humanity has evolved into more futuristic weapons and vehicle shipgirls have changed.

They have gone stronger than before but a tragedy will always happen no matter what.

Until one day the United states, Russia, Japan, Germany and United kingdom sent their best soldiers to help and these brave men and women successfully help the shipgirls defeat the sirens but one day the siren made a deal with a drug gang to kidnap the soldiers so the sirens can get rid of them.

Soon as word got out about the soldiers gone missing but it didn't take them long to find them but when they arrived there was a shootout between the gang and the soldiers.

Inside the building the gang leader was in a room with a few other members and the eight of chosen soldiers.

Gang leader: you with the two different color eyes what do they call you.

The man doesn't answer a gang member points a gun at a woman's head.

?: My name is Mando USA hybrid  I've killed over 50 sirens.

?: I'm Ryan Germany juggernaut  I've killed 45 sirens.

?: I'm Mark Japan Phoenix  I've killed over 40 sirens.

?: I'm Noah Japan silent assassin I've killed over 40 sirens.

?: I'm Gilbert the UK bounty hunter soldier I've killed over 40 sirens.

?: I'm Amanda, the UK royal artist's  i've killed over 40 sirens.

?:  I'm Andres Russia storm I've killed over 40 sirens.

?: I'm Juana, Russia Empress  I've killed over 40 sirens.

Gang leader: so y'all  name yourselves after ships but I'm impressed I thought only shipgirls can kill sirens the eight of you have proven me wrong but I made a deal with a siren that if me and gang kidnap y'all they will give anything we want.

Ryan: You made a big mistake, you listen to sirens and you won't be getting because the sirens don't care about us they're just using y'all.

Mando: you still don't get it you know call us the best.

The gang leader points a gun at Mando.

Gang leader: Why?

Mark: because we are the only humans that are able to kill a siren.

Mark kicks the gun out and the leader hands him, Ryan, Noah and Mando break free and kill the leader and his gang members.

Mando: alright let's head to the Armory get weapons and go help those soldiers.

All: right.

They entered the Armory Mando grab Rsass, Ryan grab a AA-12 and two MP7, Mark grab a L86 LSW, Noah grab a R700, Gilbert grabs a M16 with grenade launcher, Amanda gets a MP5, Juana gets a AK47 and Andres got a M249 Saw.

Amanda: I'm going to help those soldiers I'll meet y'all down there.

Amanda left the armory.

Mando: alright guys y'all know what to do we kill the rest of the gang members and we give the commander the information that we have.


Mark: Let's go help our countries.

They were going to join the fight until the glass roof broke and what came down was a siren.

?: you humans are so entertaining but I won't let y'all foil our plans.

Mando: observer alpha.

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