Dont have a name for this one

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Dream's POV
It had been at least a couple of weeks sense the end of L'manberg. I have been taking care of DJ and planning the next battle that's I know I won't win. The plan is to get caught go into the prison for a bit then get out simple! Getting out will be hard though ,and what am I going to do with DJ ? I'm not keeping her with George she will just try to come help me again. I could see if Phil will hide her..

" Dad ... why are you up so late ?" Speaking if DJ " DJ you shouldn't be out of bed! You got really hurt and -" " ya ya I know..... but you said you would sleep! If you don't it can mess with your brain" Why do you have to bring that up.

" Listen DJ I just needed to finish some things ok .... I promise I will go to bed after." She just looked at and frowned

" You better...." " I will just need to make a phone call ok?" She then walked to the kitchen got some water and started to go back to here room. When I heard the door shut I decided to call Phil.

" hello ?" " Phil.... I need something from you" There was a long pause on his side " I don't think I can Dream I'm already looking after Ranboo." How did he even know I was going to ask ?

" .... Phil I understand but ... I have to keep her somewhere safe ." There was silence on the other end

" Dream listen..... you want her to be safe that is understandable, but what are you planning to do that need her to stay away from you." I can't tell him. Only punz knows what's going to happen. He can act pretty good as well .

" I can't say phil.... Just.. I don't know I know that she could be safe with you. I would ask Technoblade but I don't know if he would want to watch her. Not saying that you want to watch her I just" then I was cut off

" Dream your rambling" Right try to slow down your thinking dream! " Sorry I'm just worried. I ..." I could see Phil shaking his head all the way at his place

" Fine dream, but whatever your planning you better be back in two weeks." I felt myself smile a little.

" Thank you phil! Thank you so so much!" I could hear a small and quiet chuckle " It's just me helping. You do owe me one for this though."simple enough

" Whatever you need Phil. Ok .. umm I will probably take her there in a week or so. So she can heal properly .."

" Right I will see you then. Good by Dream." He then hung up. I walked up the stairs to DJs room to see that she was sleeping. I then went to my room. It was filled with a lot of books and random notes and song lyrics. Some of the books where my point of view of what happened during the wars. Everything was written exactly like it happened from beginning to the end. Of course there was a few personal notes on what I thought of everyone at the time. Every detail I made sure to be correct. The bed I hav never really got used because I spend most of my time writing what has been happening and I loose track of time, but I promise DJ I would get sleep. That's the hard part though but I have to!

~One week later ~


Me and my dad where walking into a very cold biome very early in the morning. He told me that I was going to be staying with some old guy. I thought he was joking around but no apparently this guy is really old. I still had some injuries and my wither sickness was still the same size.... that being my whole arm.

" Dad are we there yet? I want to go back to bed !" He laughed a little when putting his mask on.

" yes we are almost there. You see those houses that's where he lives but you are only allowed to stay at Phil's place got it !" So that's his name .

" Got it.... where are you going again?" I asked. I was starting to worry a little " you will find out from the letter I gave you if I don't return in two weeks." Two weeks ! That long ! Why was he even going for that long what if something happens to him!

" Calm DJ ...... I will be fine." Some how we where at a door to one of the houses and my dad knocked on it then walked in.

" Phil! I'm here and ..... oh hello" before he could stop me from entering I walked in and saw three people. One had some black wings that looked really damaged. There was also a tall half pig half human man ? Then the last person was Ranboo. My dad didn't tell me he would be here!

" Well umm .... sorry for interrupting um I will be back later!" I felt my dad grab my arm and starts to lead me out the door.

" Dream it's fine... just leave her in here."
My dad was hesitant but slowly brought me back into the house.

" Is that the same girl that -" I could hear them talk about what happened but I was pulled into a tight hug. My dad was facing away from everyone and lifted his mask a little as he hugged me. " I will be back in two weeks. If not we will do whatever you want when I get back ok ." His smile was forced a little and if you looked at him you could tell he was a little scared.

" Please be back sooner....."
He hugged me tighter. He couldn't promise me that.. After the two other adults stoped talking my dad put his mask back on all the way then began to leave.

" Oh ya DJ Phil is the one with wings." He said when pointing to him. " You already know Ranboo and the last guy is Technoblade." I nodded and smiled a little

" See you soon DJ "
( updated it )

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