Chapter 1

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        Emma Leigh starred out into the darkness of her window, letting the warm breeze brush her face and bare shoulders gently. It was mid May and the weather had been rather generous with providing the perfect temperatures for this time of year. She was looking out into the circular drive as guest had begun to arrive for her eighteenth birthday that her parents insisted on her having. Once a young woman of wealth turns of age, a party is held as her introduction into society. Once she is introduced, there will be many numerous invitations to the most exquisite parties of the town, different balls to attend filled with dancing and men fighting for her attention, and of course a few green eyed envious women who would stir up the richest gossip in attempts to see her reputation get the best of her, just waiting for her to make a slip up in ettiqute. 

        "Oh how I dread such a night like tonight. It's not that important to me anyway, its just another year and its not a big deal im an adult, everyone becomes one someday. I would be much more content hidden away in the library with a wonderful book to read."

        Emma spoke outloud, detesting the idea of a party and dreading the debute of her existence into society. She steped back from the balcony window and looked at herself in the mirror once more to make sure her appearence met perfect standards. Her dress was a deep blue ball gown, with a corset back that was laced up tight to show off her youth and beauty while enhancing her womanly features. Her long dark brown wavy hair was swept into an elegant style to keep out of the way and look rather grown up and sophisticated. Her make up was very light if any was applied at all. Only a little rouge on her cheeks and ink on her lashes to make them appear thicker and longer to make her rare eyes even more noticable, considering they were a dark hazel, almost amber with hints of deep green swirling around here and there. Her skin was a creamy pale but not ghost pale.  On her neck was a simple silver heart shaped locket with a small diamond in the middle that reflected the light. To complete the look, Emma added her favorite expensive pearl earings which she rarely was seen without. 

        As she lifted her gaze to stare back at her reflection, she saw a flash of movement behind her. As Emma spun around fast to look and see what she thought she saw, a rather low sexy chuckle came from her now open balcony doors, the voice resonating in her head and almost drugging her mind and tempting her to walk out and see who or what it could be. 

        "I must be dilerious and hearing things. No one would have the nerve to show up unannounced on a night like tonight. I'm late as it is."

        Quickly Emma Leigh went to shut the balcony doors when she heard another laugh followed by a man speaking. A shiver went down her spine and made her stand still for a moment. 

        "Are you sure your just hearing things or are you too afraid to look for yourself . The choice is yours my dear."

        The very mysterious voice spoke in almost a whisper among the wind, it was alluring and enchanting to Emma. She felt caught in a daze and gave it a thought and started to walk towards the open door. Soon she could smell a scent that was tantalizing to her senses, it was pure masculinity and the muscles in her stomach slightly clenched and she shivered as her thoughts began to go else where. 

        Emma took a daring step onto the balcony and the wind picked up, making the scent even stronger as it filled her lungs and clung to her dress. Looking around the vast yard, there was not a single odd undetected presense was in sight. She shook her head and turned to go back inside and a scream was caught in her throat, choking her from releasing it into the clear night. There in front of Emma Leigh, stood the most striking handsome man she had ever laid eyes on. This dashing stranger stood very tall, at six foor three about, with a rather masculine build dispite that there wasnt an inch of fat on him. His hair was almost black even with the soft lighting spilling out from her room. His eyes cast her in a trance, they were a bright ice blue that glowed even in the shadows of the dark night. He chuckled and it felt like his voice was wrapping around her mind like a blanket calming her while putting a spell on her to prevent her from running.

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