Chapter 2

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        Emma looked around, peeking around the room in which they had entered. Never had she seen such a sight before her. Although the room had a dark nature about it, she also found it a bit glamerous, almost reminding her of  the cartoon movie Anastasia and how the Pettersburg Palace looked in Russia. The cielings were high with gothic art decorating much od the cieling. Very detailed and elegant chandeliers hung, casting a faint glow, for they were turned down very low. The walls were a deep red, reming Emma Leigh of blood and she shivered. Instead of the usual art you would expect to see on palace walls, there was but a single picture on the wall, there Dallan posed in full militant wear, looking like a very strikingly handsome evil leader and ruler. Emma had to tear her eyes from the portrait, it did not help that this gorgeous man was also the same devil standing before her. She took note of the various weapoens that aligned the walls and above the huge stone fireplace that had casted more of a glow across the dark room. Insead of wood or carpeted floors, there were real marble. The only pieces of furniture in the room were what seemed to be a throne with two other chairs on the side, and one long blood red couch.

        Dallan walked inside with a wicked grin on his face as he carried a frightned and shaking Emma in his arms. He placed her on the couch and took off his dark cape. 

        "Well darling, I hope you like it here, because as I said before, this is now your home, unless I decide I have no more use for you and so kindly well, kill you."

        Dallan spoke with an arragant tone as a matter of fact manner. He looked Emma Leigh over in her ball gown. His eyes traveling every inch possible. As mjuch as he found the deep blue a stunning color on her, he could not wait till she was in less clothing that was more revealing and showed him more of her beautiful body. Just as he was thinking this, his butler, Mr. Darsly, walked into the room, carrying the items Mr. Bidinger had requestede of him.

        "Good evening again Mr. Bidinger, here are the things you had requested sir, I shall leave you alone for the rest of the night unless needed again. good night sir."

        Dallan takes the unknown items from Mr. Darlsly who walks away and smirks at Emma. Emma Leigh's eyed widen in fright wondering what in God's name does the Devil before her have in mind.

        "My very sweet innocent kitten, let me explain a few things to you my dear. As you know my name, Dallan Bidinger, and if you have not guessed it yet, I'm a vampire. Well a vampire prince, soon to be king. Your probably wondering why I took you Emma Leigh, well, I have several reasons. One being that your a beautiful woman and very attractive. Also, your mine to do as I please, and I would personally love to have you not only as a blood bank, but my personal sex slave. If you manage to stay alive for one year, I may let you go or keep you. It's my decision."

        Emma was scared as a cold set inside her deep to the bone. She knew she needed to escape if it were possible. If she couldnt escape, she would have to be an actress and put on the best performance of her life to keep her alive. The idea of being at the mercy of an evil menacing vampire made her almost over hyperventilate. She could'nt even fathom the idea of being someone's sex slave, let a lone a vampire's personal blood bank. Emma Leigh soon began to regret the thoughts she had about despising the glamerous style that she was taken from and never to return to again. How she begun to long for the simple things life could have promised her. A scandelous social life, attending party after party, and being the talk of the town for her noticable fashion as a well respected and envied woman. Emma thought about the men that would be begging for a chance to call upon her just to get a glance at her and maybe have a dream of courting her. Now all those hopeless dreams were fading into a long lost memory, a bitter sweet dream that never had a chance to bloom into reality. 

        "Please take me back, I did'nt do a thing to deserve this. I don't care if you have to erase my memory or whatever but I wish to go home to where I belong with my family. I'm sure you can find some other young woman who would love to be stuck in an evil twisted fairytale for the rest of her life. Just please I beg you, take me back to where I belong."

        Emma pleaded to Dallan, her voice quivering as she was trying so hard to hold back the sob that was being chocked in her throat. Tears began to well in her eyes, making them look more green as the fire gave light to her paled face. She tried so hard to look brave and be strong even though inside she felt like a glass doll that was breaking into pieces. 

        "My dear, I do not believe you understood me the first time, so i'm going to say it only one more time and this time you better damn well listen or I'll have to punish you more ."

        Dallan stepped up to her, face to face. His Ice eyes darkening and sharp tips of his fangs began to show. Emma could see pure hatred and nothing but promise of his cold words as he continued. She stepped back and he only stepped closer and reached out to hold her and continued,

        "Emma Leigh Rosealie Lucas, you are completely MINE. I now own every inch of you, that means your body, your mind, your heart, and your soul belong to ME. There is no escape so don't even think about trying to escape. If you try I will stop you, by some lucky chance you manage to get outside these palace walls, I will find you and my dear, there will be hell to pay. You can not escape me at all. I am your perfect day dream turned into your worst living nightmare. Now with that being said, here, put these on and get rid of that dress, I don't like how it hides your body from me. Hurry up, my patience is running very thin now."

        Dallan handed Emma Leigh a set of very revealing lengerie. A corset that was see through and scarlet colored complete with a guarter belt that hooked up to a thong and stockings that came up to her knees with bow at the tops. Trying hard not to make him even angier, Emma slipped off her ball gown and slipped the garments as fast as her shaking hands would work. As she finished she looked up only to be met with an intense burning gaze of Dallans predatory lustful eyes. 

        "Now turn and let me inspect you before I take you to my room. Ah much more satisfying my sweet kitten, I can't wait to taste you in so many ways. I knew you were the perfect pick."

        While speaking, Dallan walked to Emma and picked her up into his arms and craddled her into his chest and began to walk further into the palace. Much of the decor was the same but going down a wide hallway Emma saw that the walls were almost golden with mirrors. She dared not to look into any of them, afraid to even look at herself. Soon they had reached a stairwell that was long and reminded her of glass. Dallan used his vampire speed and in a flash they were up the stairs and briskly walking down another long corridor and stopping abruptly at a door.

        "Finally, I have been waiting all night for this. I have you here at last and there is no where to run, and my dear, now the fun begins."

        With that being said, Dallan opened the door and poor Emma was about to be in for a very long night, a night she would never erase from her innocent mind, her purity coming to an end soon. 

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