Part two The meeting

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Sorry i haven't been active here recently, someone very important to me has sadly passed and I've also been extremely busy with work and college plus my roommate and I well hehehe... 👉🏻👈🏻 I'll leave that up to your imagination~~ anyways I'm back and I'm flapin' free enjoy my little fireflies~~ plus i switched up the dates hehe

----Ze next day----

(Owen's POV)
The raptors were acting strange today it might be because of yesterday's events but they don't hold grudges like that. I mean the new dude falling into the cage that was Echo's fault not his. Usually after an incident like that they'd look sad and guilty, But their extremely happy and energetic.

Then a jeep pulled up near the front if the paddock. I walked towards it as some people got out, some of them walked up to me, others went to the back right door like someone very important was just sitting there. "Owen Grady, I am agent Heiden, this is agent Polymer, we're with the FBI." Agent Heiden said. "What's with all this?" I asked. "We have something that will be put into your custody once you sign this." Heiden said while giving me a clipboard with a two paged contract looking thing. "Listen dude I'm not gonna sign this untill i know what's gonna be put into my custody." I stated. Heiden looked behind himself to the people at the car and nodded.

Then they opened the door and... No way. The person from before hoped out. (Ya know LO already, he's here now hehe) the two people who got them out of the jeep were holding onto their arms as if they would run if they weren't. God they were even cuter up close and when the sun hits their hair just right it basically sparkles like snow.

Then I realized I was signing my name on the paper subconsciously. Once I was done agent Heiden took the board and led me and this cutie into the shaded part of the paddock. They had them sit on a chair that was closer to the cage than I would like, even though there was an extra ten feet to the actual cage with the two pairs of steal bars in-between. (Basically the room type thing that Owen had opened the gate to get the new guy out of in the movie)

"Okay then Owen Grady, I introduce you to LO4357 though he likes to be called LO." Heiden stated. I would say cute name but it makes him sound like a test subject. But I like LO it sounds cool. His ears flicked at the sound of the raptors coming closer to us. I couldn't bring myself to look away from his eyes, it's like they shimmered with curiosity and wonder. Then blue came closer and his ears shot up, his eyes fixed on her. "Yeah, that one's Blue, she's the beta if the pack." I said, finally removing my gaze from his eyes. "Hm, Blue. What a nice name." He said witch might I add, with the hottest accent I've ever heard.

I hadn't noticed that the agents left. "Uh y-yeah I named all four of them. Y-ya see that one over there? She's Charlie, and the one next to her is Delta, the one opposite blue is Echo." I finished. "Did you raise them? Or the scientists?" He asked. "I did, heh I wouldn't let any scientist even near them for the first couple weeks of their lives." I said, and he looked at me for the first time with a cute shocked expression on his face. "Really?!- ehem sorry I got a little carried away. Didn't they do tests on them?" He asked curiously. "No, I mean sure they did blood tests to see if they had any issues. But never any big ones." I stated.

He looked sad but in a jealous way. Then he slightly shook his head and looked at me with a surprisingly sexy look- well he already looked hella sexy but the look he was giving me kinda turned me on. "Where is it that you feed them?" He said giving more attention to the raptors. "Oh um here I'll show you" I said lightly grabbing his hand and pulling him away from the control dock.

Owen Grady x Lab Rat male readerWhere stories live. Discover now