Chapter One- The Bet.

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Warnings; Possessive Behavior

Author note:
First- 'This' means someone's talking in their head.
Second- English IS my first language but I still suck at spelling- so if I have any Grammar or misspelling of Punctuations, please please, tell me. Now with that out of the way- please enjoy my book!
(Before anyone asked; I do have Grammarly)

California P.O.V.

I woke up with the sun in my eyes, slowly blinking away the sleep. I turned to face my alarm clock. It read 12:34, "Ugggh why'd I sleep in so late?? Why didn't Gov (I honestly wanted to put DC but that doesn't fit anymore, so some from now on he's 'gov') wake me up," I sat up. Feeling just a little light-headed 'cause I sat up too quickly. I got up and walk to my closet and pulled out my normal flannel. Which was a red and blue mix. I put it on over my white shirt, then I grabbed out my jeans, and then walked back to my bed; grabbed some socks and my glasses.

Once I got them on, I walked to the door and opened it, grabbing my hat, I walked out, shut the door, and walked down the hall making a right to go into the kitchen. Making my way to the fridge, I then opened the door and got out some leftover food from last night, when I walked over to the microwave.

"Look who's finally up," Someone behind me said. "Hello, New York," I said in my nonchalant voice. I put in the food before he said anything else. He then said something I didn't expect; "Listen... I'm sorry for what I said yesterday at the meeting," "huh? What'd you say? A lot of people were yelling at me." I honestly didn't remember what he said. "Ugh, I said something mean so I apologized!" He sounded very annoyed.

"Well er, thanks for apologizing..." as my sentence faded. Texas walked in, as the microwave went off. "Hey Poppy, how about we make a deal?" I look at him before I could get my food, 'Poppy..? He hasn't called me that in a long time. First, waking up late then, New York apologizes, now dealing with someone who hates me? what on earth is going on today?' "Uh...Ok..? Why?" I asked a glanced at New York. He just stared at Texas, an unreadable expression on his face. I looked back at Texas. "For fun- Winner takes all, loser takes nothing! Come on, it'll be fun Poppy!" "Well, I guess, what's the bet?" I said as I turned around and grabbed my food. I turned around and Texas had pulled out a seat for me. 'Weird.' I sat down at the seat, "thank you..?"

"You're welcome, Poppy, now back to that bet..." he trailed off as he sat down. I begin to eat my food, "I bet I can make ya' blush~" he said. Now out of all the things I was expecting... THAT was not one of them. "excuse me?" I said. "well yeah-" "Cali, you don't have to take that bet." Texas got interrupted by New York. Just to spite New York I said; "how long do you have to... uh make me blush?" "this time tomorrow?" 'mmm well that would be a while away- but I can just hide in my room.' "ya can't hide in your room either." 'dang it.' "uh alright fine I'll take you up on the bet. what are the consequences of losing?" I said, "As I said earlier, winner takes all, loser takes nothing- Basically, the loser has to be the others servent," he said, I stopped eating. I just kinda looked between Texas and New York. New York looked like he normally did- a jackass. Texas looked NOT like he normally did- he looked drunk, minus the alcohol. This is weird but so are talking and walking states, so I guess that's ok..?

"uh, for how long?" I said I was a little scared- I mean I don't blush easily, but still. "I was thinking a week?" huh. Alright so if I lose it'll be a week worth of embarrassment. I looked over at New York as he spoke, "Again you really don't have to do this." The look in his eye almost made me want to say no- but of course, for plot armor, I said the following;

"Alright fine you win, Texas." He smiled at that- a real, gentle smile, then it turns into a mischievous smile. I did not like that. "Great. I'll see you in a few Poppy." He gave me a slight wink and walked out of the kitchen. I started eating again, feeling eyes on me I looked back up. "Can I help you?" "Yeah, tell him the deals off." well that's unexpected. "If you don't mind me asking, why?" I was not mentally ready for his answer.

"because if you lose you're forced to be his 'servant'." that shocked me for two reasons. One- because it seems like he cares about me. Two- he might have a crush on me. I honestly hope that it's not because of the second one. As much as I would love to have someone, I wouldn't like it to be New York. "I'm sorry but a bets a bet, can't back down." As I finished that sentiment he just looked at me and walked out. I just continued to eat.

As I finished up my food, another state walks in. I honestly don't care which one so I kinda just stood and walked over to the suck, and washed my plate. I could feel someone wrapped there hands around my waist. "Uh... Hi?" "Good to see that you ate, and are ok." I recognize the voice as Florida- I should have guessed, he's a little clingy. "Florida, I'm trying to wash my plate, could you wait to do that when I'm not?" I said. I honestly didn't mind him doing this because he was one of my only friends. He unhooked his hands, "Yeah sorry." "It's fine"

After I got done, I dried it. I turned back around and Florida was on the table. He was wearing his signature hat, shirt and shorts. Nothing out of the ordinary, "So why'd you hug me from behind?" "Well you slept in too late- and missed breakfast, lunch and the meeting. The Gov was worried about you." So when I'm not there he's worried, but when the other states are mean he doesn't care. Wow, "Where is he?" I asked- I really didn't care, but I should tell him that, I'm ok. "Oh he's in the meeting room finishing up a few things!" He giggles at his own words. "Ah ok" i put my plate away, and walked out of the kitchen. I looked into the living room, saw no one that interested me and left to go into the meeting room.

I opened the door to the meeting room. "Hey Gov, I just wanted to tell you that I'm ok." I looked into the room. it was dark, "Gov?" I walked into the room some more. The a head a slam of the door, I wiped around as the lights flicker on. "Oklahoma?!" "Hey Cali..." I could the the door make a 'click' as the door locked. "Oklahoma, what's going on..?" I know my voice was shaky, but hey what am I supposed to do? This is a scary situation, I think. I don't actually know.

"Why Were you talking to Texas?" "What?" Ok that's not what I was expecting. He quickly turned around. "Why are you talking with Texas?" He sounded... Possessive, Not weird at all. "Because he wanted to make a bet..?" Ok this is getting... weird. "Why did you take that bet?" "Uhh cause I have nothing better to do..? Why do you even care?" He talked towards me not saying anything. Once he reached me, he reached out his hand, "because i-"

Cliff hanger-

to who ever made it to the end, I wanted to say- thanks for reading my cringe fest. I think this is the very first book I can actually say I like.
Although the one I had in mind was way shorter, but this was way too fun too not wright.

Words; 1387

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