chapter 1 - awkward greetings

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jus so ya know this story might be a little fast paced since i don't want it to go on for like 27 years so umm idk excuse me

but hey whatever enjoy what you get even tho this will probably only get like 2 reads within like 5 months idk share with people and um recommend it PLS

ok enjoy :D


Saiki knew of Kaidou's true thoughts now. He knew they were close, sure, and that they may have done questionable things, but to be fair he didn't read Aren's mind, so to Saiki it was only one sided.

"The one time I actually want to delve into someone's privacy and I didn't even do so."

Saiki rolled his eyes again as he sat at his desk alone, praying he could go atleast one day without any noise and simply just peace and quiet. Of course though, being him, his friends swarmed around him in no time.

"Hey pal!" Nendou greeted happily, patting Saiki on the back.

"Morning Saiki," Kaidou said. Saiki was intrigued, he wanted to know more. Normally he wouldn't be interested in this sorta thing, but this was Kaidou, someone who he would never think to be into those of the same sex. Like, there's nothing wrong with it, hell, Saiki isn't attracted to anyone whatsoever being his aromantic asexual self, but that's besides the point. Kaidou gasped at Teruhashi and blushed at any female speaking to him, although that is mostly due to awkwardness.

"Hello!" The familiar female voice stated, earning cheers and many male greetings from around the room, meaning Teruhashi had just arrived. Saiki wasn't bothered at all, he was so uninterested in her it was painful.

All he wanted now was Kuboyasu.

"I knew you'd all be here," Saiki turned his head to see Aren coming over, and was actually happy to see him so now he could invade his privacy in secret and see what the heck is happening between him and Kaidou.

"If you could just come a little closer I can get into those deepest thoughts."

"Hey Aren, you coming with us to get ramen again?" Kaidou asked, his fists clenched with anticipation.

The secret pyschic already knew he would be swooped into getting ramen, so he didn't get unhappy hearing those familiar words. In fact, it might be easier to delve into his deeper thoughts then if he couldn't do it now.

"Oh, yeah, of course. It was tasty yesterday," Aren replied with a kind smile, much to Kaidou's delight.

"Right. Seems I can't read his deeper thoughts at the moment, so I'll just carry on invading Kaidou's privacy since his thoughts aren't too deep."

"Haha! I knew you would like the ramen!" Nendou's loud voice interrupted Saiki's focus to access Kaidou's mind, sighing in annoyance.

Before he could continue with his privacy invasion, Teruhashi came over.

"Good morning to you all. I overheard you were going to get ramen later and I was wondering if I could tag along?" She asked.

"Good grief. Of course they'll say yes to her. Plus, the other boys are glaring at us if we dare decline her, so we don't really have a choice."

"Of course you can Teruhashi!" Nendou answered, his pinky finger coming out of his nose.

This wasn't going to be easy for Saiki, but atleast she walked away and he could focus on Kaidou's mind again.

He attempted blocking out all other voices and stuck to Kaidou's so he could enter his mind properly and read those thoughts that were likely about Aren.

"Don't be scared." (Kuboyasu x Kaidou story)Where stories live. Discover now