The Invasion

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Acid woke, panting. He had one vicious nightmare, then he heard footsteps. They were nearing his den. Then he saw a head poke in, it was Spottail. "Hey, Acid. there are at least ten to fifty deinonychus from a different tribe approaching, I think they're trying to invade our territory." Spottail spoke hastily with fear spread through his voice. Acid sat up and woke Whitestar, who was sitting next to him. "Yes, Acid?" spoke Whitestar, in his usual morning voice. "Spottail just gave me a report, there are deinonychus about to invade our territory." Whitestar stood up and walked out of the den to prepare for battle.

Acid walked out of the cave and climbed up the little rocky hill that was growing out of the rocky wall which covered the left side of the cave and sat at his post, which was up the hill and behind a few bushes and rocks. He saw Whitestar jump over to his post, which was underneath a few rocks. Acid couldn't help but wish that he could be next to him, but now wasn't the time for his romantic feelings. He had to protect his tribe, and Whitestar. Then he heard footsteps coming from his right, he flattened his feathers and dropped low to the ground. He saw more than ten deinonychus walkout from behind the wall blocking his view. They made their way over to my tribe's cave. They stopped to collect their members. Then my tribe leader, Chief, made his way out of the cave with Azarah and Vigo. "Hello Chief" spoke an unfamiliar voice, presumably the leader of these strange deinonychus. "Who are you, and why are you invading our territory?" Said Chief, with a strict, serious tone. "Oh, we certainly are not invading" Said the strange deinonychus, "We are just a new tribe, we're here to say hello" again spoke the new deinonychus. "Oh, I see. I misunderstood your intentions, what is your name?" spoke Chief again, with a calmer tone to his voice. " My name is Stardust, Leader of the Spark Tribe. And I assume you are Chief, Leader of the Death Tribe?" Spoke Stardust, dramatically. "Interesting..and yes, you are correct. I am indeed Chief of the Death Tribe."

Stardust stepped into the light, revealing his sunrise and sunset colors, including his pelt color, blue. He looked like he was worth more than a pile of parasaurs. He looked strong and brave, he had a crystal hanging from his chin feathers. He looked like a good, strong, and handsome leader. Acid could practically see all of the guards fawning over him, which included Storm, Ant, Oak, Ash, Feather, Wolf, Shark, and Brindle. "And this is Bloodmoon" He said as a dark red and rusty colored female walked up to him, "She's my mate and queen of my tribe." Acid noticed that all of the guards looked very disappointed. "It is nice to meet you, Stardust. Though, it has come to my attention that you have sunrise colors. Are you the prophesied sunrise and sunset deinonychus?" Spoke Azarah. "Indeed, you are correct" said the sunrise colored deinonychus.

"It is a pleasure to meet you" Spoke another voice, which belonged to Vigo. Stardust nodded at Vigo's statement, "it is sadly time for us to go home, as Bloodmoon and a few others have eggs in the hatchery that we need to attend to." Stardust signaled for his tribe to turn around, waved goodbye, and left.

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