The new tribe

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Stardust sat by the pond, thinking about his visit to the Death Tribe. He was overwhelmed with stress, he was a leader after all. Bloodmoon walked over and sat by him, he was thankful to have such a good mate. They sat there in silence, until the moon fully rose. Stardust and Bloodmoon had a strange connection, they could tell what emotion the other was feeling even if they were on a different continent.

Stardust finally got up after hours of silently stargazing through the pond, he stalked over to his den and sat down in the soft mossy bedding. Bloodmoon soon appeared at the entrance and walked in. She sat down at his side and cuddled up to him. Stardust soon felt his eyelids become heavy, they soon fell and he drifted of into sleep. He opened his eyes, sunlight beamed through the entrance of his den. He sat up, noticing that Bloodmoon wasn't in the den. He crept out of the den noticing Ozspark and Cyberspark's daughters by the pond, catching fish.

He walked into the makeshift nursery and saw that two eggs were cracking open, they each had a zigzag going through a circle on them. 'Jeez, Cyberspark and Ozspark need to stop having so many eggs. Soon half of the tribe will be their kin if they keep this up' he thought to himself. Sure, he wanted more tribe members, but he didn't want inbreeding.

He walked out of the nursery, then felt a growl in his stomach. With a sigh, he walked out of the cave entrance. He immediately spotted a dodo, he fell into a crouch and crept up behind it. He lunged at the creature and bit it's neck, he stood up and walked back into the cave with the dodo still in his mouth. Stardust walked over to the feasting section on the highest level of the cave, he sat down onto the thatch and bark floor and began to eat.

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