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So this story isn't going to follow the actual legend everyone know. So don't freak out when the prologue doesn't sound anything like the legend. This story is from my messy head. I don't really see the story being super long maybe like 10 chapters. This is a boyxboy story so if you don't approve you should probably read some other story. I don't plan to have any sex scenes or anything like that because well one of the main characters is a ghost. So take a look at Prologue and tell me what you think. Comments would be great and appreciated.

XXXX minda428



The world was steadily changing railroads were coming along and the Civil War was ending. Of course the small town of Sleepy Hollow completely missed all of this. Sleepy Hollow liked being a secluded town in the middle of a forest. Few people ever left and even fewer entered the small town. This town was completely isolated and rarely ever even ventured out to so much as visit the closest town which was a few days ride by horse away.

The town was very pleasant for those living there. There were lovely well built houses most of the needed building including various stores and a sheriffs office. Such a town as small as this one rarely had any trouble one would think but that had started to change. Several women had turned up brutally murdered and who better to suspect than the only new member of the town.... Levi Williams.

Levi Williams had moved to Sleepy Hollow early in the year after the death of his father. He thought what better way to start over than to move to a new town. Levi was a very talented blacksmith just like his father. He loved being a blacksmith and loved even more that his lover would come see him every morning before the shop opened.

Levi never fully admitted it to himself but he preferred men. Yes he occasionally dated women but he would rather be with a man. During his first few weeks in Sleepy Hollow, Levi made friends with the school teacher, lanky Ichabod Crane. They soon became the closest of friends then lovers. They were a very unusual couple. Levi was tall, with long almost black hair that hung past wide shoulders and a body that showed his long hours of work in the blacksmith shop and his best feature were his gray eyes that seemed to be able to see your soul when looked into. Ichabod was tall and thin with dirty blonde hair. He looked every bit the nerdy school teacher that he was but he was Levi's best friend and Levi trusted him with his life.

The first few months Levi lived in Sleepy Hollow were quiet. People were suspicious of him but he understood that he was new to the town and no one knew him well yet. Suspicion slowly died until the first body was found. The town was in a uproar. People were nervous, scared and angry. One of their own had been killed and there wasn't a clue of why or who. After the third body, the towns people started a witch hunt. They no longer cared about whether the person convicted was the actual killer or an innocent they just wanted blood and someone to blame and Levi seemed perfect. Levi had even gone on a date with one of the women so he must had done it. Right?

Levi had noticed the questionable glances and even a couple of glared over the days but he dismissed them. He knew he DID NOT kill those women nor did he have a clue who did. The town people were sure that Levi did it so four months from the first murder and several days from the third the man hunt for Levi began.

As levi heard the mob of people coming for him, he knew he had to leave get his horse and go to Ichabod. Levi was going as fast through town as his black horse would take him when he turned back and saw the smoke. They were burning his house down. He was almost to Ichabod's, he thought as shots rang out and before he knew it he was on the ground. One look at his horse and he knew it was dead. Sadness went over him in waves just knowing his horse was dead. The horse was his last present from his father. Levi couldn't stop to mourn his horse though he had to get to safety, Ichabod. Levi let himself into Ichabod's front door and only took a few steps when chaos broke out. He screamed for Ichabod as he forced from Ichabod's house as Ichabod watch making no move to help Levi.

Levi sat the night in jail as he listened to those around him plan his execution. No court was called nor was he allowed to state his innocence or have a fair trial. Levi couldn't believe it the people he had spent months helping shoeing horse and various other tasks were just blindly believing his guilt. That wasn't even the worst part, Levi really just wanted to know where was Ichabod and why wasn't he there fighting Levi's innocence.

As the sky lightened with the new day Levi was pulled from his cell and into town square. Levi looked in the direction of his home which was still burning with very little left. (His home was on the edge of town but could still be seen for the most part from town square.) Not far from where Levi was sitting on his knees was the head of his horse, his pride and joy. Levi tuned into what was being said as "his crimes" were stated and his punishment was announced. He was to be decapitated and he head buried separately from his body as a show of disgrace and humiliation. This brought cheers from the crowd and fear to Levi. He didn't do it and no one believed him. The last thing Levi saw in him life was the blank face of his lover, Ichabod Crane.

In the back of the crowd where no one was looking was a older women, a witch, stood watching the whole story unfold with sad knowing blue eyes. She wasn't just sad but completely appalled as she watched the poor man be punished for crimes he did not do. As the execution was being performed the witch placed a spell over both the town and Levi then slowly faded into time to wait for the end of the spell.

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