Ch. 4

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Hey everybody!!! So thanks for sticking with me and everything. I really appreciate it. So I know it's been a while but I now know how the plot to this story is going to go so YAY me. Let me know what ya'll think about it. : )

xxx minda428


Chapter 4

Jared POV

Morning sure comes early I thought while turning off the alarm on my phone. I got up and got dressed so I could finish the last few things before I had to leave. I headed out the door leaving Mom and Katie asleep because knowing them; they’ll be awake by the time I get back. I got in my black Ford Lightning truck and headed off to the closest cell phone dealer to change my number. About an hour later, I had my phone number changed, all the stuff for the apartment paid and shut off, and now all I had to do was talk to my landlord. As I pulled up to my apartment building, I saw my Mom and my landlady, Mrs. East, talking. Well, I guess leave it to Mom to get ahead of me, I smiled. I parked my truck, got out, and went toward my apartment where they were talking.

“Hey, Sweetheart,” my mom said once she saw me walk up.

“Hey, Mom and Mrs. East. What are both of you doing?” I asked.

“Oh, we were just getting everything taken care of. You are set to go whenever you wish. Good luck with your new job.” Said Mrs. East with a smile then walked away.

“Katie and I got the last of your stuff packed away. All we have to do is move it out to your truck then I think it would be best if you got on the road because I really want you to get there about mid-afternoon.”My mom said with one of the saddest expressions.

I looked at her with a mock serious face and said “Mom, it is not like I am leaving and never coming back. You have my new number, Skype, and I can still drive back at any time. I promise.”

“I know. I know. It’s just I’ve never had you this far away from me before so I just worry.” She said.

Aww…. I thought. “I love you, Mom. You wouldn’t be my mom if you didn’t worry.” I hugged my mom to me.

All of a sudden she shoved me away pointed her finger and said, “Alright mister. We need to get you packed and on the road. Remember mid-afternoon and I get at least a text when you get there.”

I smiled. “Of course, Mother.”

It didn’t take long to finish loading my truck and putting some stuff in Mom’s car. Katie had early meetings so she just hugged me gave the same speech Mom did about mid-afternoon and text then drove off. Mom burst into tears saying goodbye then shoved me in my truck. I watched as my Mom backed out and drove off to her house then I backed out and started the journey to Sleepy Hollow.

--------------------------5 hours later-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

I have never truly realized how much I love my iPod until it is the only form of entertainment I have other than talking to myself. Talking to yourself isn’t any fun mainly because I keep agreeing. For around 2 hours all I’ve seen are trees not a single town, house, or even crop field. I have a bad feeling that this town will be in the middle of nowhere. It was a good thing I stopped at the last gas station of gas and that my truck is pretty good on gas.

Driving several hours gives you lots of time to think. I can’t get my conversation with Katie last night out of my head. The song “Careful” by Paramore started playing through my speakers. I had put my iPod on shuffle hours ago which is always fun because I have lots of music and I sometimes forget what exactly I put on it. I really like this song so I just tried not to think too hard and just listen to the song and lyrics which probably wasn’t the best idea when I caught the lyrics close to the end of the song.

“Open your eyes,

Like I opened mine

It's only the real world.

A life you will never know

Shifting your weight

To throw off the pain

Well you can ignore it

But, only for so long”

The lyric “the life you’ll never know” kept repeating in my mind. Do I really want to be alone all of my life? What if Katie was right? Yeah, it’s possible I’d get hurt again but maybe Katie’s right and not all guys are cheats. What if there is some perfect guy out there for me? I could miss out on a great life because I’m scared and don’t want to be hurt. I feel like I have way too many questions and no answers. I sighed and continued to focus on the road.

            After 6 full hours of driving, I finally saw a town. About a mile before the town was a sign that said “Welcome to Sleepy Hollow.” I could feel the large amount of relief at finally reaching the town now all I had to do was find the house. It was a good thing that my new neighbor had given me directions when I had talked to her last.

            I drove into town and quickly realized how small the town was. I couldn’t help but to think that it would only take around 10 to 20 minutes to walk from one side of town to the other. I found the road pretty easily being that it was the first right as you got into town and the third house down or the last house on the road depending on how you wanted to think about it. It was a nice house from the outside. You could tell it had been taken care of. Of course, it wasn’t much just a small gray house with a porch out front. I parked my truck and got out.

“Jared” a female voice called.

I started looking around for the voices owner and there she was coming from the nice house from my right. Her voice didn’t match the way she looked I thought with a chuckle looking at the small girl bouncing toward me. She was about 5 and a half feet tall with black hair that was up in pig tails and short bangs. She was wearing all black short lacy dress with black boots and a studded collar. As strange as the way she dressed was she actually looked nice not inappropriate like some girls who tried to dress like her.

She stopped in front of me and held out her hand. “Hey, I’m Irene Krenshaw but you can call me Rena. My mom has told me everything about you and I’m so glad we’ll be working together and neighbors.” She said all of that in one breath. Not only could I barely understand her but I was almost waiting for her to pass out from talking that fast.

I laughed a little and said “hey, as you know I’m Jared Crane. I hope she didn’t tell you anything too bad. So how did the house look on the inside when you opened it up?” I smiled asking her.

The house had been closed ever since the death of my father so it was pretty dusty. It was interesting that apparently my father’s family had put back a large amount of money so the house had been taken very good care of including various repairs and updating appliances or at least that’s what Rena told me. After explaining the basics of the conditions of the house Rena left me to explore my new place.

I wondered through the house noticing that Rena had been right with the updated appliances even though there was not a TV but I didn’t mind I preferred books anyway. The house did have a faint stale smell from being closed for so long but it wasn’t too strong because of all the windows being open and all the sheets covering the furniture had been removed by Rena.

I wondered though almost all of the rooms in the house (which included several rooms for a house just meant for one person). The house had a kitchen/dining room, living room, master bedroom, guest bedroom and a bathroom. The last room though was a study with floor to ceiling bookshelves covered in books many looked to be several centuries old. I wanted to spend more time in the study but I knew I had to clean the master bedroom so I would have a clean place to sleep tonight but as a was leaving the room be eye caught the desk in the corner of the room with just one book on the desk still open as though someone had left it unread. Some part of me found that book interesting even though I hadn’t even looked for a name on it but either way a picked up the book and took it with me to the master bedroom where I placed it on the nightstand knowing that I wouldn’t have the time to look at it for at least a few days. I spent the rest to the day talking to my mother to assure her that I had made it ok, bringing in the things from my truck and cleaning the rooms that couldn’t wait until the next day.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2013 ⏰

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