i drew Classy And Dark Because Y E S

11 3 0

They look cute in my opinion wwww

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They look cute in my opinion wwww. I really enjoy Drawing this couple~ they're always so fun to draw (≧ω≦)

Btw,It's kinda a redraw from this old art

That art was drawn last year so It's very very bad- me before thinks it was Beautiful while me now thinks It's Straight up bad-

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That art was drawn last year so It's very very bad- me before thinks it was Beautiful while me now thinks It's Straight up bad-

Anyways,i hope you guys enjoy my art book!

I randomly have Drawing Motivations since the start of May Because of Mafu's online Live-

If you guys are interested to see more of my Art,then go check my Instagram! I'm more active there and theres alot of art i don't post here but post there instead

This is my insta account if you want to know:

Same username as Wattpad but add "_" in the middle of "Classy" and "342"

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Same username as Wattpad but add "_" in the middle of "Classy" and "342".

Tbh,i don't even know why theres 342 in my username,but Because People know my account with that name,i always use the same name for my social media (´▽`)

Anyways,have a good day/night! See ya in the next chapter! Bai bai~!

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