💕🖤 Why Did You Die?! 🖤💕

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Contain's: Angst And Fluff

ReQuested: Yes□ No■

Ship: Ultimate Police Man x Ultimate Lucky Student

( Summary: This had Happened During the Time that Yuki and Tsurugi were Consider Traitor's. )

No One's P.O.V

Tsurugi had been Looking Around for Yuki due to the Fact that They were Suppose to Meet Up except Yuki Never Came to Meet Up with Tsurugi at All and Tsurugi was Starting to Worry about Yuki then Tsurugi had Decided to Check the Art Room cause Tsurugi had Remembered that him and Yuki had Gone to the Art Room a Couple of Time's Only for Yuki to End Up Painting with Tsurugi Watching him due to Yuki Saying that his Mother Used to Paint Lot's of Thing's before she had Died and Tsurugi had Passed by the Other's while he was Looking at the Ground who had Decided to Follow Tsurugi due to the Way that Tsurugi had Looked Scared about Something which wasn't Normal for them at All and They had Noticed Tsurugi Trying to Open the Art Room then Tsurugi's Expression had Changed into a Panicked Look and Tsurugi had Kicked the Door Down Only for him to Cover his Mouth with Tear's Forming in his Eye's and Tsurugi had Rushed into the Art Room then the Other's had Ran into the Art Room Only to See Yuki Dead on the Ground with Tsurugi Holding him in his Arm's. " NO, NO, NO, NO, NO!!!!!! I ABSOLUTELY REFUSE TO BELIEVE THIS AT ALL!!!!! " Tsurugi had Yelled with a Very Upset and a Very Angry Tone in his Voice along with a Small Hint of Rage in his Voice with him Holding a Dead Yuki Maeda in his Arm's and EveryOne was Scared of the Tsurugi with a Dead Yuki in his Arm's and EveryOne was Terrified of what had Happened to Yuki Considering that he's Dead and EveryOne including Tsurugi had Started Investigating for Clue's about the Culprit who Killed Yuki and Tsurugi had Looked at the MonoKuma File for Anything. " Yuki Maeda. Time Of Death: Unknown, Possibly During the Night. Cause Of Death: Stab to the Stomach then a Fatal Blow to the Head, there also Seem's to be Cut's and Old Wound's on his Neck, Arm's, and Leg's? Status: Dead? Time Of Body's Discovery: 9:45 AM. " Tsurugi couldn't Stop Looking at the MonoKuma File and why did the MonoKuma File have so Many Question Mark's in the First Place and Tsurugi had a Strange Feeling that Something was Wrong with this Murder Case then Tsurugi had Looked Around the Yuki's Body Only for him to Notice that Yuki's Left Hand was Shaking as if he was still Breathing but he was having Trouble and Tsurugi had Touched Yuki's Neck for a Pulse Only for Tsurugi to Find Out that Yuki was still Breathing which Tsurugi was about to Alarm EveryOne except MonoKuma had Asked EveryOne to Come to the Elevator then Tsurugi had Took Kanata's Bandage's from her Medkit and he had Wrapped them Around Yuki's Head / Stomach then Tsurugi had Went with EveryOne Else to the Elevator and EveryOne had Walked to their Assigned Podium's then the Trial Went on Like the usual ( I'm to Lazy Okay? ) until the Elevator had Opened and EveryOne including MonoKuma had Turned to the Elevator Only to See that Yuki was Holding into the Wall while Trying to Breathe and EveryOne had Rushed Over to Yuki including Tsurugi then the Trial had Ended since No One Really Died and Tsurugi was Next to Yuki in the Infirmary Room with a Passed Out Yuki on the Infirmary Bed then Tsurugi had Leaned Over to Yuki and he had Kissed his ForeHead Gently except Tsurugi had Smiled at the Sleeping Yuki. " I Love you, Yuki........" Tsurugi had said with a Very Gentle, Very Kind, and a Very Sweet Tone in his Voice along with a Small Hint of Fear in his Voice and Tsurugi had eventually Ended Up Falling Asleep a Little while after then Yuki had Woke Up with a Giggle cause he Knew that Tsurugi Kissed his ForeHead due to the Fact that he was still Awake and Yuki had Leaned Over to Tsurugi who was Already Asleep then Yuki had Kissed Tsurugi on the ForeHead Gently with a Smile and Yuki had Started to Feel Sleeping but before Yuki Fell Asleep, Yuki said One Last Thing to Tsurugi before Taking a Nap. " I Love you too, Tsurugi........"

( 744 Word's )

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