Gear Up and a Strange Feeling

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After I wake up and do my new morning training, yeah that spar with Bete made me realize that I still have room to grow and decide this is a good place to start, so after my 150 push-ups, 200 squats, and a 2 mile run I showered and got ready for a shopping day with the Goddess and getting registered at the guild hall so with a smile on my face I leave my room, and notice that I haven't met my neighbor yet something I would do but I don't want to be late so I walk to the gates and see my sister, the Goddess and Riveria all waiting for me
"Sorry I'm late" I say as I join them and we start walking
"And what held you up?" Riveria
"I was just thinking that I haven't met my neighbor yet and that I want too" I say and the Goddess and Riveria stop and both have wide eyes and then grow a serious expression
"Your neighbor is Aiz Wallenstein, a level 5 adventure like you, and someone I consider my daughter so try something perverse and you will know a living Hell" Riveria says and sends chills down my spine and getting a nod from me
"And she's also my beloved so" Goddess starts only to be interrupted by a bonk on the head from Riveria's staff she then crouches down holding her head and looks up at Riveria while holding her head
"What was that for?!?!" She screams, and luckily for her the streets weren't busy so no one saw her make a fool of herself
"How many times do I have to tell you she doesn't see you that way" Riveria says with a tone that scares me, and I'm not the one in trouble, after that we continue to our destination, which is the headquarters of Hephaestus the Black smith of the Gods. After traversing the halls we finally reach a door with a giant volcano on it and Goddess knocks and we get a "Enter" as a response
POV Hephaestus
As the mystery guest enter I see Loki, Riveria, a girl that looks oddly familiar and a man that looks like Hercules made over and in my shock I say
"Hercules?!?!" And get looks from the four of them
"Sorry no, I'm (Y/N) Cranel you must have me confused with someone else" he says but I know that face anywhere, after all it belonged to my best friend
"Sorry, your right your to young to be him, but you look identical to him do you know him?" I ask seeing a clear relation
"I've heard the stories of the twelve trials he under went but that's it" he says
"You say that but you look just like him" I say pondering how this could be
"Perhaps we should tell her" Riveria says
"Tell me what?" I ask and Loki looks to (Y/N) and nods
"I never fully introduced myself, my name is (Y/N) Cranel, Grandson of Zeus and I don't know my parents" he says and shocks me the white haired girl speaks up and says
"I'm also a descendent of Zeus, I'm Bella Cranel" this shocks me even further And after I calmed down a bit Loki asks me something
"I know this is a lot to take in but can you make these two some gear?" She asks and I think and say
"I may already have something they will want" and get looks from them I get up and head to the bookshelf and pull a certain book leading to my secret forge we're I make "special" items and they fallow me in and look around till that notice me standing beside and display case I covered in a sheet to keep the dust off it
What's this feeling it's like something is calling me and I unconscious walk towards the sheet that Hephaestus is standing next to and when i get close Hephaestus pulls back the cloth and I see a armor stand with a thick lions hide that forms a cape with the lions head becoming a hood that connects to a reddish leather chest piece with a boar head in the center and a golden arm cover that extends from the shoulder to the wrist and covers the back of the left hand and at the waist a brown leather skirt that has a lion head on the belt buckle and metal studs up and down the middle of the different strips of leather and below that a pair of leather thigh guards that look to made from the same thing as the chest piece and at the feet a pair of leather boots made from the same leather as the others. But what really stood out was the sword implanted into a pedestal at the bottom of the armor it's guard is a rich gold with blue accents that connects to a all blue handle they ends in a all gold pommel that all connects to a silver blade that looks sharp enough to cut anything and it seams to be calling to me and I reach for it and when my hand touches it the world seems the stop and I see the history of the sword and who held it... my father... the legendary hero and son of Zeus Hercules as the last of the memories stop I close my eyes and with little effort pull the sword from the pedestal and fell my body rush with power and almost fall over but luckily Bella caught me and held me up
"T-Thanks" I say and stand upright and and then say
"This was my fathers sword, the sword that slay many beasts and warriors, the sword of a hero and legend, the sword of Hercules" I finish and get shocked and surprised faces from all but Hephaestus who looks proud
"I knew it you are his kid, the fact that you can even touch that sword means you have his blood in your veins" Hephaestus says and I look back at the sword and smile finally some answers
"Here Bella you look at it" I say and hand it to her and as soon as it leaves my grasp it...

Boom cliff hanger, sorry it's like 1am and I'm tired so this is it, goodbye

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