The Lion's Descendant

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POV Bella
As the sword leaves (Y/N)'s hand I can see everything that the sword has seen including all the fights it has won, this is a lot to take in and I start to fall like (Y/N) did and like me he caught me before I fell
"Thanks" I say and he nods and after I stand I look at the sword and make my decision
"You should have it" I say and he looks surprised and happy
"You don't want it?" He asks
"No swords have never been my specialty, unlike you" I say truthfully and he looks excited and takes the sword and admires it and the armor
"You can have them" Hephaestus said with a closed eye smile and continues
"Nephew" she says
"What?" We all say
"Hercules is my half-brother, we share a father but have different mothers" she says and looks to me
"But I didn't forget you Bella" she says and walks over to a different display, unlocks it and opens it and takes out two different knifes one a all black knife with an all black sheath and looking at the blade I can see different ruins on the blade that glows blue when I touched it and the second a red blade that has two different shades of red on the blade and a leather handle with a flat black pommel both look beautiful and I can't wait to use them
"The black one was a order for another customer, but they couldn't pay for it so I kept it and I think you can use it well, it's special in that it will grow with you and get stronger the stronger you get. The second one is a project I was experimenting with, the blade is made from a Minotaur horn and the handle wrap is from its hide and its pretty damn strong" she finishes
"Wait so do you know were he is?" I ask in a hopeful voice and get a shake of her head
"Sorry but no, after he gave me this stuff, saying he no longer needs it, he just disappears into thin air" I'm disappointed but halfway expected this
"Thank you, auntie" me and (Y/N) say together and she smiles
"But what about armor?" I ask and she puts a hand on her chin and thinks and after a few seconds she asks
"Tell me do you like light or heavy?"
"I prefer light, so I can utilize my speed and mobility" I say as we exit the forge and Auntie says
"Ok I think I can make something for you, but it will take some time probably a day or two to get it ready" she says
"Ok that's fine, I can wait to go into the dungeon, and before you say it you can go in without me" I say and look at (Y/N) who was about to say he would wait
"Are you sure, I don't mind" he says and I nod and he smiles and gathers the sword and armor and thanks auntie again and heads to the manor to change and head to the dungeon along with Riveria so she can watch him. leaving just me and Loki we say bye to Hephaestus and I take the knifes so I can train with them and get used to them leave and walk around till I see what looks like a festival and Loki says
"Oh yeah, monsterfilia is today I kinda forgot"
"What's monsterfilia?" I asks and Loki explains it's a festival hosted by a another familia where people watch adventures fight monsters captured in the dungeon and used for entertainment and so different stands can sell stuff like food and me and Loki decided to walk around and after getting some food and sitting and talking we hear a loud roar fallowed by rumbling and looking at one of the entrances of the coliseum and see a massive silver ape and it's looking directly at the Goddess and without thinking I grab her hand and start to run with it fallowing close behind and after running through the back streets for about 5 minutes we stop to rest in a abandoned building and the ape passes over head and lands on a roof a few buildings over and I whisper to the Goddess
"You run and get help, I'll keep it distracted" and draw my knife and run out screaming
"COME AND GET ME!!!!" And the ape jumps down into the plaza with me and we stare each other down till it rushes me and brings its arm down and tries to crush me but I dodge to the left and jump up onto its arm and run up it till I reach its face and slash it only angering it so it brings its other arm and sucker punches me in the right side and into the side of a building but I stand and prepare to fight only to see it standing over me with its foot raised ready to crush me and as its foot comes down time seems to slow to a snails pace
"Why do I even try? All I do is hold others back, I should just let this thing crush me" I'm brought out of my thoughts by someone tackling me out of the path looking down I see it's the Goddess
"Why?" I asks weakly
"I'm not going to let you give up!" She screams
"You still have so much to do, find your parents and your grandfather, plus how would your brother feel to know you died without a fight" she say and I start to think
"She's right I have so much to do I can't die yet, but what can I do? This thing is to strong"
"You can't give in just because it's tough" I hear a familiar voice say I look around and see no one but me and the Goddess and of course the ape the voice continues
"Do you know why (Y/N) is stronger than you?"
"No" I think
"It's because he knows what he fights for" the voice says
"What he fights for?" I think and continue to dodge the ape hits
"He fights for others, not himself" it continues
"He fights for the ones he holds in his heart, his parents, his grandfather, and you" the voice then asks
"What is it you fight for?"  It says and the voice disappears leaving me to think and after some time I have my answer and stop moving letting the ape try and stomp me again ignoring the cries from the Goddess and the ape seemingly steps on me
POV Loki
"No" I say and feel tears run down my face
"I fight to grow strong, so strong I never lose any one else, and to earn the right to stand beside my brother as a proud warrior and someone worthy of the name Cranel!!!" I hear and see the ape go flying revealing a unharmed Bella but something was different she looked buffer and more focused the ape gets up and swings at her and she stops it's hand with one of hers like nothing and says
"You dare to target my Goddess, a member of my family... AND THAT CAN NEVER BE FORGIVEN" she screams and punches the ape in the gut killing it leaving only it's stone after Bella returns to normal and starts to fall only to fall into the hands of a smiling (Y/N)
"I'm so proud of you, you've found your fighting sprite and have grown stronger good job Bella" he says and I see her smile in her sleep and realize something
"Where the Hell have you been!?" I scream and he chuckles and rubs the back of his head
"Well you see..."

And that's it for now

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