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The hand expresses what
the heart already knows.

He moved closer towards Jeongguk so he would be able to read the letters in the book as well. Frowning once he felt Jeongguk's strong hand onto his thigh.

Jeongguk chuckled once he saw Yoongi's facial expression. "Enjoying it ?", Jeongguk asked, eyes glancing down at the book afterwards. "Not at all", Yoongi grumbled out.

"But kitten, the hand expresses what the heart already knows", Jeongguk whispered out. "My thighs look good ? Thank you", Yoongi said sarcastically.

The poor pale male just wanted to learn something and not have the hot male flirt with him. Hot or not, he paid for Jeongguk to learn him something.

"Let's start studying, you seem annoyed", Jeongguk breathed out and soon enough the tutoring lesson started. No jokes were made and Yoongi actually learned something of it.

"Time for a break", Jeongguk hummed out when they studied for twenty minutes. Yoongi nodded his head, getting up. "Would you like to eat or drink something ?", the shorter male asked.

"I just want to smoke a cigarette", Jeongguk said, taking a pack of cigarettes out. "Open the window though", Yoongi said, not wanting his room to be filled with the smell of cigarettes.

The older male nodded his head, getting up and walking over towards the window. He opened the window and took out his lighter.

Yoongi watched Jeongguk in silent, watching the burning cigarette. "Want a hit ?", Jeongguk asked, holding it out towards the curious young male.

"I am scared to try it", Yoongi admitted. Jeongguk hummed, motioning Yoongi to come closer. Yoongi pushed his short body off the bed.

He slowly wandered closer towards Jeongguk, eyes staring up at him. "Just place the stick between your lips and take a hit. Make sure to blow it out before it comes into your lungs", Jeongguk said.

Yoongi nodded his head, gently taking the cigarette out of Jeongguk's hand. The pale male wrapped his lips around the unhealthy stick, eyes still focused onto Jeongguk.

"Good job kitten, now take a hit", Jeongguk said, watching the younger male. Yoongi took a hit, blowing it out after a few seconds. Soon afterwards a cough followed.

Jeongguk chuckled, gently ruffling the younger male's hair. "You did a good job", he said softly, taking his cigarette back afterwards.

"Now, if you don't mind telling me. Why do you have so many plushies?", Jeongguk asked, watching Yoongi who sat down onto the bed again.

"It has a personal reason", Yoongi mumbles out, glancing at his plushies. "Mind telling me that reason?", Jeongguk asked, deciding to press his cigarette out and close the window.

"You will judge me", Yoongi whispered out."And what if I say I won't?", Jeongguk mumbled out, sitting down beside Yoongi. "You would be lying", Yoongi said, leaning over to take his book again.

"I never lie", Jeongguk said, gently taking the black bear. "Why did you buy it?", Jeongguk asked, placing the bear on his own lap.

"Because Yoonie likes it", Yoongi mumbled out underneath his breath.

--My motivation for this book is so low. Are people actually enjoying reading this??

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