Chapter 1: Savior

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It was almost the end of the day,I was in my last class, English.

I was staring out the window while our teachers was writing the answers from a quiz we took from our books. I was about to dooz off until I felt something soft across my cheek from where my mask was covering,I took a quick glance at what was on my cheek and of course,my little hummingbird activated it self again.Hummingbird was a little bird from my quirk,I can recreate animals and they can activate themselves,from other people's view it sounds and even looks like a cool quirk but they always pick the wrong time to show themselves, just like this one.


I raised my hand to catch my teachers attention.

"Yes, Kaiumayu?"

Kaiumayu was my last name,I told them million times to call me Y/N because it made fell more comfortable with it but they don't really get it.

"Can I go to the bathroom, please?"

"Of course, just don't take long!"

I nod my head to show that I understand and I get out of the classroom.

"God hummingbird you need to wait until I get home,you know that quirks in school are not allowed!"

As I scolded hummingbird I was about to pass another classroom until I heard a loud explosion,I flinched and jumped close to the wall while hummingbird was hiding behind my mask.

"Was that someone's quirk?Why are they using it now especially at school."

My head was running with questions until I started hearing yelling from the other side of the door,I thought it was the teacher yelling at the student who just used their quirk so I just ran to the bathroom not wanting to be seen and making them think I'm stalking around so I just ran for the bathrooms.After I took some seeds from one of my pockets
and gave it to hummingbird,I got out of the bathroom and headed to my class,as I was passing the class from where the yelling was before it suddenly stopped there was silence and only a calm muffled voice could be heard,I didn't want to bother so I walked back to my class.

Time skip»»»

The day was done and I took my school back and headed outside of the classroom.


One of the girls from the loud class yelled out my name we weren't close but we talked a little bit at times.

"Oh hey."

"How was English class?"

"It was nice,we took a quick quiz and the teacher just explained all the exercisese."

"That's nice!"

"Yeah,also I wanted to ask I was going to the bathroom and I passed your class,I heard a lot of yelling and explosions,what was that all about?"

I asked her,she looked a little confused for a bit until she finally realized what I was talking about.

"Oh yeah, don't worry that's just Bakugo he was yelling at one of the kids in our class for trying to get into UA,tho I don't think he can even make it in to be honest."


"He's quirkless,And there's no chance you can become a hero without a quirk."

"Well then your just wrong, everyone can become a hero with or without a quirk!"

I said with an annoyed face,this was one of the things that pissed me off,there is 20% of the world population without a quirk so why pick on someone just because they're just like a lot of people.

I just decided to ignore her as I decided to make my way into the classroom,"if there were explosions then that means that the other kid must have hurt him with it."As I was making my way to the classroom I could hear someone say some muffled words.

"If you're lucky enough you might get a chance at having a quirk in your next life,so why don't you just take a swing off the roof of the building!"

So that's the Bakugo boy,the one with explosions,tch just another kid that was so full of himself only cus he has a quirk.
As he turned around I came face to face with him,I was staring at him with blank e/c eyes as he stared at me with confused
red eyes.

"What do you want?"

"Yo Bakugo let's go,you already told this loser off so we're done."

"Yeah Bakugo, let's go."

They pulled him by his shoulder but he pulled back.

"Why?they seems like they want a fight!"

he slam's his fist into his palm making an explosion. "So why not give it then!"

I could actually throw him out of the window using my quirk but that would just get me in trouble,so I just did one thing that I could consider bad enough for him,I created a black liquid tentacles coming trough a Portal from behind him and slap him as hard as it can in the back of his head.

"Ow! What The Fuck was that!?"

He said while creating mini explosions out of his hands while rubbing the back of his head.

"That to be exact was black liquid."

I say as I'm walking past him right to the shocked green haired boy.Black liquid is a part of my quirk I can make tentacles coming out of some sort of portals and can create walls and protect people with it,I can also heal but it takes a lot of energy so I only use it when in serious situations,my animals are combined with black liquid to.

"Now,I would gladly appreciate it if you would leave this boy alone and leave,now."

The two boys that were besides the blonde guy nodded their heads rapidly making me aware that they got it,the blonde guy just rolled his eyes at me while giving me a death glare and I just gave him his death glare back.After they left I turned to look at the green haired boy only to find him shaking in his boots,I kept myself from laughing but let out a small giggle making him to snap out of his thoughts only to look right at me.

"Omg,You were so cool and your quirk is so fascinating,and how you just stood up to Kacchan and not even flinching when he did that explosion in front of you!"

He stared his fanboy session over me,even tho we just meet like a few seconds ago after 2 minutes of rambling of how cool I was and how fascinating my quirk is.

"Oh wait!I gotta write this in my- oh I forgot..."

He was searching for something but I don't know what,not only until he pointed out of the window with a sad face, when I looked I saw a notebook in the water,that must be the thing he was looking for! Well now is fish food..but that still didn't stop me to jump out of the window and to go grab it.

Time skip»»»

The green boy came running outside while I was taking some of the water out of his notebook with black liquid.

"Oh god!Are you ok?That was dangerous!You could have gotten hurt or worse!"

He continues to mumble about how dangerous that jump was,he was a bit weird especially with all the mumbling but he seems like a good person and I know that one day he will become a great hero.


I handed his notebook dry and all new..well not really there were still some burns on it, guessing it's from explosion boy.

"O-Oh Thanks!"

He said while smiling with a big bright smile, remembering me of All might.I return him a small smile and turning away to go home.


I stopped turning back at the green haired boy, tilting my head with a confused look.

"I-Im Izuku Midorya.."

I look at him for a second and then smile at him with a gentle smile,one that my mom and my older sister would give me as a child.

"Nice to meet you Midorya..I'm Y/N Kaiumayu."
Hello The Creator here,
Sorry if there were some bad things In this it's my first time writing a story so yeah. :]
Word count:1419

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