The new girl

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Ranboo's POV

As me and y/n are outside we see this girl which we haven't seen before and we look at each other confused, and we start whispering to each other deciding weather to go say hi to her or not then we just decide to, and me being the nervous tall boy I am I let y/n go first, y/n says to the new girl "hey! Are you new around here?" And the new girl says "yes I am! Also may I ask whos that tall boy behind you?" y/n grabs my hand and pulls me next to her and says "this is my boyfriend, ranboo! Say hi ranboo!" "H-hi" I studder "so what's your name?"  y/n said as the new girl said "oh I'm Violet!" I mumble to myself "violet..sounds like a bitches name" then y/n elbows me and whisper yells "ranboo! Be nice!" I rub my arm and whisper yell "fine!" Then y/n continues the conversation and says "well, would you like a tour of the school?" And I elbowed y/n telling her "don't you dare" but she gives me the death glare and so I just play along and Violet says "sure!" And me and y/n give violet a tour and half way through the tour y/n lets ME do the rest why me, but in the end it was alright

y/n's POV

Ranboo was acting so nervous around violet, he's never like this like ever, it's strange to me so after the tour I pull him aside and ask "are you ok? Your never like this" he says "y-yea it's just weird meeting new people" "you sure?" I say as he says "yeah I'm fine" I kiss him then we walk back over to violet and say "so if you need help with anything just let us know!" Violet would have been on her phone and she looks up and say "hu- oh ok!" Then we continue on with the day

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