The Warning

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A man seats near a mountain top with a picnic set up on a beautiful day. With his car just nearby seemingly waiting for someone. He suddenly hears a chilling scream coming from the nearby forest. We cut back to a few hours earlier.

A couple on vacation Joshua and Angelyn was looking for a way to a beautiful mountain top that they saw online. Getting lost along the way, they happen to drive by a small village. They see an old man seating down by the street. They ask him for directions wanting to know how to get to the place they wanted to be.

The old man's eyes widened, warning them of the danger that they might put themselves in if they were to go there. The old man tells them of an old tale of how there used to be an all-girls school there. One of the students were bullied to point of doing witchcraft and sacrificed her bullies. Rumour has it that the ritual that she was performing went wrong and she got cursed instead and got turned into a monster.

Locals say that to this day the girl still haunts people for revenge against what happens to her. The abandoned school is still standing and if they were to see a female looking statue that they should turn back and run away as fast as possible but also if they take their eyes off it will move to grab them and if they were to get caught, they would turn into stone as well.

Joshua being a non-believer shrugs the warning of the old man and continues to ask for directions anyway. Angelyn being a little worried wonders if they should cancel their plans or meet at a different venue instead. Joshua tells her to stop being silly and reassures her that everything will be fine.

When they get there a beautiful scenery greets them. A cliff edge surrounded by a nearby forest. Angelyn runs out of the car to enjoy the view. Out of curiosity, she went inside the forest to explore a bit.

While exploring the foods Angelyn starts to see statues up ahead of her. More and more keeps showing up the more she goes inside. Baffled, she thinks that some kind of old art project is left behind from the abandoned school nearby. She notices that all the statues seem to be all female and in uniform. She suddenly recalls the story of the old man that he warned them about.

Out of fear, Angelyn calls out for Joshua. Immediately, she hears a shuffle from behind her. She looks to see behind her but only to see nothing but the statues around her. But one of the statues catches her eye. One of them stood out, It looks more old and decrepit than the others. It had cracks all over her and her uniform seems ruined.

Angelyn was about to take a closer look but fear gets the best of her. She looks away once more to call for her boyfriend. Then a loud shriek comes from behind and something grabbed her wrist. She feels a sudden pain in her wrist as she looks to see the statues nails digging into her wrist like talons. The statues face looks like a creature out of this world. Fangs for teeth, hair like a witch, and eyes like a predator. All while the statue has its grips upon her wrist.

Not long after, Joshua goes into the forest to look for Angelyn thinking the scream was hers. He finds her staring with eyes wide open terrified at the statue. He asks her if she's ok. Angelyn responds by saying that she can't look away from the statue or else she's going to die.

Joshua having trouble believing any of this finds what Angelyn said rather ridiculous. he tries to pry her wrist loose from the statue's grasp. Angelyn's wrist starts to bleed from the sharpness of the nails. She closes her eyes from the pain. Only to open them once again to see his boyfriend turned to stone. She screams in fear and maniacal laughter can be heard from the forest.

Almost sundown, two friends come out of a cab arguing. Matt being passive-aggressive complained about maybe if one of them didn't take too long to get ready, they probably wouldn't have been late. Charlie just rolls her eyes. They then proceeded to ask a man in seating by the road for directions.

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