The Wedding (part 2)

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We arrive at the wedding we walk all little then mom says she has to go take care of the bride " I'm sorry honey I'll be back save me a dance ok " I wave as she walks off I stand there and look around everything was beautyful it was my first time coming to a wedding and since my new mother is a wedding planer I'm sure the won't be my last tired of standing and looking out of place I go take a seat and wait for things to start

The wedding looks nice when we arrive I can't wait to see Alex I know I just saw her yesterday but I can't get her face her voice her body out my head as I'm about to take a seat my cousin Austin taps my arm from behind and the only reason I know who it is is because whenever he says my name he dose not even call me bye my name he just says prince and adds like a million P'S " hey what up ppppppppprince " I turn around rolling my eyes "

"hey what up cousin how are you" I say looking at how he was dressed he always had on a suit even when he was not going any were fancy I mean not that I had a problem with that he was just a classy guy

" so I just saw this hot milk chocolate girl over there and I wonted to know if you could help me with her " he says pointing to Alex

" oh not over my dead body " I say deeply looking at him like I was going to kill him he backed up and held his hands up

" hey man what's wrong with you why can't I hit that .....wait don't tell me that fine piece of chocolate is yours ?" I grad him by his tie and pull him out the room I push him up on the wall and look him straight in the eye

" I'm going to tell you this once so do pay close attention ALEX IS MINE
She is my given and you know I will hurt you if you touch her so you will go find your own given you got me ? "

" yes man I didn't know she was your given did you tell he he you are - - " before he could say the rest I cut him off

" no I have not but I will and if you do I will forget the your family and well let's just say it will not end well for you " I let him go and walk back inside when I get back inside I see Alex standing bye herself I start walking towards her


I see pretty white Rose's so I walk over to them and sniff the smiling because they mean purity thinking of how white they were reminded me of snow

" you like Rose's ? " I always shivered hearing that deep raspy voice of the one and only prince zander I look over my shoulder not moving my body but just my head
" oh uu-um hhhi prince zander " I yell at myself for being so shy and stuttering
" I like your dress and the way your standing " he runs his hands down my curves
" oh um I um " I stand up straight realizing that I was bending over I then lightly bite my lip still feeling the shocks " oh um thanks and um yyes I like Rose's " I say say looking at my shoes feeling the heat in my cheeks he lifts my chin with his pointer finger and thumb and holds it there

" do tell me more " he says looking me right in the eyes

" I um well like that the rose is not just one flower it comes in different shapes and colors all most like people they each have there own meaning and - oh iiim sorry I was going on and on "

" no I like your voice I could hear you talk all day and night " he whispers night huskly in my ear before I could say anything someone gets on the mic in the front if the room

" Attention every one the bride and groom are about to enter for there first dance so would every one gather "

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