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As I walk into the kitchen I see Miss Smith siping coffee

"Good morning honey" she looks back down at her paper

"Good morning what are you doing " I say as I take a a seat a maid comes out with a plate it had eggs, bacon, pancakes and a side of peach's

"Oh just going over some things for the wedding "

"So what do we have to do today " sally cames in with a clip bored

"Well Alex you have to meet with the prince " she gave me an evil smile

" wait with who " she giggles at herself "you will be meeting with prince zander at let's see" she looked at the clip board "at 1:30" she says I look at the clock its 11:00

" what do I wear " I look at her waiting for an answer

"Come on I'll help you " we walk to my closet and after like 40 min of looking we picked out something we choose a pear of black skinny jeans a light gray  sweater crop top that said "I'M IN LOVE WITH THE COCO" and black and white Jordan's I lightly curl the ends of my hair then top it off with a pretty gold chain with a heart in the middle I make my way down stairs and ask one of the maids if she could help me with my makeup

"Oh sure honey that's what I'm here for " I did not no what she meant I only asked her because hers makeup looked on point

"What do you mean?" I looked up at her 5'4 frame

" well all the maids have a certain job to do you know sally her job is well she can do it all she's like the head maid at 27 she is like wonder women but any way I'm one of the personal maids which means I so makeup hair ect"

"Oh ok I get it so you can help me out right?" I say lowly the only person I was not that shy to was sally she was just easy to talk to the maid started to do my makeup by the time we were finished it was already 12: 40  she did a light makeup she said that i was to pretty for all the heavy makeup so I just let her do what she had to do jast a little eye liner, mascara , and dark lip

" oh you look perfect " miss smith says while coming down stairs she looked  amazing she was in a tan day dress it came down to her knees she had on white sandals and her hair was in a tight bun

"What I have to feel relaxed when I work " she says while running her hands down her curves

"Haha no I just thought you looked pretty " she smiles the walks toward me

"So you have a lunch date with the prince"  I'm sure that I blushed but I bet she didn't even see it like duh I'm black lol

" miss smith its not a date its just lunch I think "

"One you don't have to call me miss smith it makes me feel old so please call me mom and its a date I'll give you a ride I'm on my way there "

" um ok miss smi- I mean mom" she walks in front of me and tells me come on let's go I grad the side bag that sally prepared for me  I didn't even know what was in it we make it out to the large drive way there was a black limo the man was leaning on the side of the car

" good day Mistress oh and young Mistress

" oh hi " i say as he opened the door for me I got in and slid over miss smith i mean mom got in after me she took out her note pad and started writeing things down so i just sat back and let her do what she had to do I look at the bag that sally packed i smild at how cute it was it had a long strap just the way I liked it it was black with a white rose on it i liked it because it was not to much it was pretty big kind of like a sholder back pack but a little smaller i opened it and looked inside it had a Iphone 5 and charger in one pocket there also was the Dark lip from before  and  some chap stick there was a black wallet i looked inside and it had at least $400 in it like what would i do with this there also was a cute littler black note pad and and pen i dont know what it was for but it looked cute

" we are here honey lets go"  i look over at mom and said ok the man comes and opens the door for us we get out and i think my jaw droped it was wow if you thought my house was big it was nothing compared to this big castal we were about to enter we arrived at the door and we were greeted by people that mom now .

"oh my is this her so pretty " one lady said

"yes every one this is my daughter alex can some one go get the price thank you" she kissed my cheek and left to look over a few things for the wedding I walked around in the room it was tan and it had wedding dresses in racks and vails on hooks and it had woman walking around I walked to a picture on the wall it was the prince the king ,queen and a puppy I smiled at how cute it was the prince must have been so young he look so cute with his tiny hands trying to hold the puppy

"cute dont you think " I shiverd at the sexy deep voice behind me i turn to find my self face to face with the prince we were so close our nose could almost touch I could feel and smell his sweet minty breath I love the way it felt over my skin oh my god what am I saying

" oh um y-yeah very cute " I say lowly I back up and look down he walks closer and picks my chin up a shiver at his touch he smiles at his victory

" so my sweet alex how have you been"

"ive been fine "I say having no choice but to look at him since he's holding my chin in place so that I look him in the eye

" oh how I love that shyness of yours so damn cute but you wont be shy for long " he says as he licks his lips looking me up and down

" you look very nice I like " he says I just then realised what he was wearing he was in a yellow t-shirt and blue jeans her had on white nikes and a silver chain like necklace

"um thank you i think t-that you look nice too" he smiles then let's my chin go

" so lunch were to love?" He looks at me and waits for my answer

" um any were is fine I'm ok with even staying here " he looked at me like I was crazy " ha what type of girl are you most girls would choose some expensive place and want to go out but you your ok with staying here? "

" well I um don't really like places with a lot of people and I um like traditional romances you no like sitting close the fire cuddleing and sweet picnics under trees  but we um can't do any thing you want "


She was just so cute I couldn't stand it she looked so damn sexy today the shirt showed some of her belly she had a tattoo on her side I didn't see it well but I wanted to and god nows that it took everything in me not to take her on one of the tables in there

in the end we stayed and had lunch in the garden she looked happy looking at all the roses I don't understand how she dose not have a Boyfriend I mean have you seen her I really was in love with the coco damn I loved her skin she was the only chocolate I wonted to um never mind I  could not even think about anything other then her  when she left I have to do you no prince things and all I could think about was her big yummy lips that I just wonted to bite her thick thighs I wonted to grasp and that ass I can't even with that ass

I loved her warm smile her coco butter sent her soft hands her warm skin the day could have not been better the only thing that pissed me off was Jane she was my dads friends daughter

I hated her she would always try and throw herself at me no I don't like her she's rude and nasty and such a twig anyway me and Alex were walking in the garden and Jane came out of no were she tryed to jump on me I could tell that Alex did not like that she looked away trying to hide her sad face

I told Jane I didn't like her for the thousandth time and she walk away I felt bad Alex said she was fine but I know she was hurt I can't wat into I see her to Tomorrow at the wedding  I like her so much

[ hey guys it me Kenya I'm sorry I'm still editing to yeah my bad but I well update tomorrow so don't worry please add this book  to your library so you know when I update  and please vote , follow, and comment ]

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