Chapter 2 - 化 Transform part 1

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Am I dreaming? No of course not, but my parents are in a car and so am I. Laughing and smiling . It can never be real. The faint smell of the salty ocean as we drive along the highway which is only a quick exit to get to the beach. The smiles of my parents faces was when I knew it wasn't real. This dream. Not real. Totally not real, my parents are already dead. Dead. Dead. Dead. These words kept repeating over and over my head while sitting in the back seat, covering my ears to drown the whispering. Of course I can't wake up if I think the worse. The real. The crash. A nightmare. My sister was no where to be seen.

Exit to the beach was approaching quite quick as the car accelerated. Whispers of 'death' were now replaced with 'too fast, too fast, too fast' and 'no accidents, no accidents, no accidents'. I obviously realise where the my parents were going: to meet death.

Screaming at my parents is no use, no one hears you in a dream. Barely notice you as well.

"MUM, DAD! YOU ARE DRIVING TO YOUR GRAVE!" The attempts are completely useless. Mum starts laughing at a joke Dad made, no sound came through. Oh it's one of these nightmare I suspect.

I see something while the car turns to the exit. Three guys with firearms, two of them with masks however one of them was wearing no mask, I could see his face so clearly but I had no idea who he was. His clothes were built for a rich, powerful man yet his appearance meant something else. He was holding something.

A small triangle charm. In the middle, there looked to be a blue gem my sister showed me in a vintage book I bought for her 12th birthday. Around the triangle shaped gem, was protected in a platinum case around the illumines blue mineral. It confusing to me as I try to unravel the question. Why would he have something small yet but hold so much value? In his hands? Then the guns start firing. The car flips and my whole vision blurs as I toss violently around the car

Blue eyes, golden hair, slim young face with no imperfections and a smile. Not just a heart-warming smile, but more of a demonic, evil grin that would symbolise a mad man. An antagonist. My worst nightmare. No signs of wrinkles, or anything that represents ageing, this mad looked like the son of the underworld.

"KUNO, KUNO" someone...screaming my name...James? Is that you?

Then the blackness turned into whiteness and I was suck out of my nightmare. Finally.

"Earth to Kuno!" a voice alerts me but it's not clear. More like muffled. Still my mind doesn't identify this voice belongs to. The moment a hand grabs my shoulder, my reflex skills don't take long to preform self-defence on a stranger. Or so I thought.

"Kuno, relax. It's me...James?" Eyes began to adjust and notice my left arm grip to James' arm is below my waist and the other have fingers wrapped lightly around his throat.

"Sorry...Bad dream" I mumble and free my hand from his throat. As my hand is still holding his wrist, tears start to fall from my eyes yet I refuse to cry. In front of James that is.

James grabs a hold or my wrist before I can let go of his. He lifts up my chin so my eyes are staring at his. Without saying a word, he thumb slowly wipes the tears away from my face and assures me with his 'everything will be alright' smile, if he'd known my dream involved my parents in the awful car crash. I gesture a small smile of gratitude for a man like him, an asshole like him, and a friend like him.

He leans in for a hug yet I kick him in the stomach. I am a trained assassin. Feelings are just a sign of naïve behaviour and weakness, there is no reason why I should be expressing emotions anger. An assassin is fearless and does not fail missions for venerability and love.

"Sorry...again" This time, I meant that apology. James groans on the floor, then he laughs. I lift him up to regain balance.

"All good. Ah! Just letting you know, we arrived at the airport. Didn't want to wake you up but you were shaking violently and shivering. I didn't know what to do so I tried to wake you up but it was no use. So I had no other choice but to go back to the cockpit until I heard you scream out your parents' name, that's when I attempted to shake you again but with much force this time. But no matter how hard I tried, it still wouldn't work. Good thing you heard my screams and was able to wake up." His head now glued to the floor.

I extend my arm to him yet he declined.

"Your tricks may work on me when I'm cocky and bored but I know what you're doing. Kiss me and say everything is gonna be alright. But it's not alright!" James exclaims.

"James. You cannot be seri-" His lips were on mine to stop me from talking. I wanted to close my eyes and forget that I am an elite assassin. Showing signs of affection towards either a companion, spy or not, is complete violation towards the organisation, unless the art of seduction is used towards evil.

Working for one, of the best kept secret, organisations that train people to be ruthless killers and perform 'genocide' missions in order to save the world, but I couldn't do it.

I didn't intend to brake the kiss but it is the only way I can keep focused on my main mission, so I break it.

"See, I am right yet you won't admit it. Sure it was a stupid idea to kiss you then. Maybe you might hate me even more. Might add more fuel to the fire between us but..." He inhales deeply. "I am in love in you but you're too scared to believe that." I stare into his eyes in sympathy as I intend to do more harm to him emotionally by not saying anything at all.

What happens next...I'd rather not say...But at the end, silence reigned over the both of us from the airport in the 1963 Lamborghini rental, supplied by the organisation, to transport us back to the HQ of SAO. Secret Assassination Organisation. (A.N not to confuse it with Sword Art Online.)

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