Chapter 1: 苦 Suffer

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Author' note: Just letting you know, Kunoichi is not her real name...neither are the names I give her are real but might never know what her real name is...or will you?

In the isolated city of Tokyo, 300 hours (3am)

The last thing I hear from this scum was the screaming 'like little girl' before his head had been removed from his body. I wanted him to suffer in the worst ways possible than my previous target. I capture what's in the office: seven sacks fill with 20 million dollars in each, twelve dead guards on the floor. Shit! I thought to myself, I realize that blood was gonna get on my boots...well better off finish the job even if you're gonna get messy.

I grabbed the three bags and placed them on top of the desk that used to be that asshole's money. With my backpack, I stashed two million in the bag and placed a good amount of notes in my wallet. As I collected my pay, I could be able to afford my only sister's medicine and operations. Having a sister suffering a vicious disease that could kill a full-grown adult in weeks while I keep on killing my targets with no one to look after her, she keeps fighting and fighting for two years and yet she still is the strongest, most courageous girl I know. This is why I support her in any way I can.

With the remaining sacks that I didn't touch, I emptied most of the money and poured gasoline all over it but didn't strike a match, I wanted to wait until the time was right. With the remaining hundred thousand, I suggested to spit it in three ways and give it to my guardian family living in Australia. They were the most supportive people I've met. Basically: they mean the world to me, looked after me since I was a child. But when you're an Assassin/Ninja, you obviously can't give them your real details.

{That's one of the rules my parents gave me.}

>To Lilian and family,

Thanks for the support, I've been totally busy so I won't be able to make it to Australia. :( My sister is still sick and I'm been supporting her the best way that I can. Here's a gift as an apology. I will be able to catch up with you next month or two. I hope to see you soon. I miss you. Each child receives $250 each and the rest for you and David (to help on bills or maybe a family vacation). I realized David didn't receive any pay for the past two weeks so take it as a gift to show my appreciation for the support and the affection you gave me from the past 7 years. Tell the family I said hi. There is no need to reject the gift.

From your Guardianette,

Lavina Cordelia<

I reach for the hundred thousand next to my, spited the money folded wrap the note and the bills in a circular package and also finding a delicate, beautiful yet durable crane origami's and placed six (for each family member) inside the cylinder package. My address remained anonymous so:

1. They wouldn't return the gift. Literally,

2. To find me cause there is a possible chance where I could endanger the whole family and my profile to who I am.

Now, this is the part of what I really enjoy: Let the evidence burn but where's the fun in that when u also have two packs of C4 strong enough blow up an entire building? This type of C4 is made in the ASA Embassy and used these types of missions. We usually sell it to other Embassies and the Governments who want usually use for missions like mine: blowing up evidence. They used to use it for training in order to experience but ever since one of the co-workers died during the process of teaching new initiatives, it was forbidden to be used in the training grounds, not even trained assassins were allowed to use it in missions before their second year here.

For me, well, the C4 was easy to use since working for the ASA for my entire life. I've taught myself to make small quantities of homemade C4. That batch would be given to the ASA for more professional uses such as security reinforcements and other classified activities.

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