Chapter 42

863 92 12

Day: 567

Days Left: 4913

Lives Saved: 3

Clarence opened his eyes, yet all he saw around him was darkness, an endless void. The lock inside his mind clicked open, and, temporarily, his memories were returned to him. He now knew where he was and immediately calmed down.

But there was something different than usual. Clarence turned around and saw a stranger before him. The stranger had short brunette hair, olive skin, and though he stood stern and disciplined, his youthful face betrayed him from being able to be truly intimidating.

"You're not Ms West," said Clarence. Though he was in his own mindscape, his throat was still dry and wounds stung. He sucked in a breath and tricked his mind that the pain was not really there.

"No, I am not Ms West," answered the stranger.

Clarence studied the unknown man with caution but relaxed slightly as he appeared to be wearing the same uniform as West had; he also worked for the Eternal Abyss management. "Are you my new handler?" Clarence asked.

The stranger shook his head. "I am not. This should hopefully just be a one-off conversation. I merely borrowed the connection. But do not fret; I do work for the Eternal Abyss. My name is Henry Best; I am the Head Director of Sector 39, the one you are in."

"You work for the Eternal Abyss?" Clarence hissed through gritted teeth. For him, it had only been a matter of seconds since he fell from the platform, freedom almost in his grasp. "Then perhaps you can tell me..." His voice crackled and shook, as did his surroundings, his rage causing the mindscape to shake and shudder, but the Sector Head remained unfazed. "Why was my sentence extended? I should have been free by now."

Henry glanced away briefly; then, his gaze returned to Clarence. "The sponsors are free to pay however much money they desire and extend your sentence. It is rare for a prisoner's sentence to not be extended; even a rottweiler is not safe. In fact, the dog Reginald was supposed to be released a couple of years ago."

"That's not fair!" cried Clarence.

"Regardless, it is reality," said Henry. He straightened his back and raised his chin. "It brings in money, and that is the top priority, even more so than the wellbeing of murderers-"

"I'm not a murderer! It was an accident!" Clarence spluttered as he tried to breathe between sobs. "I shouldn't be in the Abyss!"

Henry shrugged. "It is not my judgement to call. Your sentence has been extended and by quite a considerable amount."

"How much!"

Henry winced. "You won't want to hear it. After you continued to side with Mister Bryce and oppose Miss Corinna Warren, the sponsors paid a great deal to keep you in the Abyss longer as punishment. Warren has become a fan favourite."

"It's not fair! I- I'm only in here for manslaughter! All those murderers should be the ones to have their sentence extended!"

"Again, not my judgement to call." Henry paused. "However... that may grant you some sympathy."

"What do you mean?" Clarence sniffed.

"Just as prison sentences can be extended, you can also pay to have them shortened."

"It can be shortened?"

Henry nodded, then sighed. "But it is rather difficult to achieve."

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