Chapter 1

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Day: 189

Days Left: 5291

Lives Saved: 1

Today was the big event. Ever since Henry Best had finished editing the recordings, he had hugely anticipated its reception. Usually, he would be ambivalent about an upcoming screening, but this one he found himself excited. It had the exact amount of suspense and action that the sponsors would enjoy watching.

Once it was finally time, the doors to the auditorium were opened, and the nobles and wealthy sauntered through and sat in front of the large screen that spanned the entire wall. While they waited for the latest broadcast to begin, they sipped at their complimentary wine and chatted amongst their friends as they watched requested repeats.

Henry Best stood before his podium at the back of the room, scrolling through his electronic tablet and double-checking that the event was going smoothly.

"You seem chipper today," said a voice.

Looking up, Henry saw Antonette Bancroft, Head of the North-East Portal, approach him, sipping from a champagne flute while holding another in her other hand. She offered it to Henry, but he shook his head politely.

"Perhaps later," he said.

"Very well." Bancroft sighed. "But you're making me look rather greedy holding two." She placed the unsipped glass on Henry's podium and glanced at him. "Remember what I told you before," she warned. "You can't be seen smiling like that. You have to remain bias."

Nodding, Henry swallowed and composed himself.

"So, tell me..." Bancroft continued. "How much of a favourable light did you shed on your dear cousin?"

"Second-cousin," Henry corrected. "And not... too much..." He winced. Perhaps his editing in this broadcast was somewhat biased.

"You could lose your job if you don't stay objective."

"Are you going to report me?"

"No," said Bancroft. "I'm not a snitch. I'll only report you if you do anything illegal or go too far. But what you're doing is reprimanded. You shouldn't be showing any sort of compassion towards the prisoners. These broadcasts are to warn people not to commit any crimes, or they'll suffer just like what they see on their screens. They're not supposed to sympathise with the felons."

"Corinna's offence was small-"

"An offence is still an offence no matter the size," Bancroft said sternly. "If you wish to protect Corinna Warren then I suggest keeping your job. Otherwise, someone else will be in charge and have control over her fate."

Henry bowed his head and remained silent.

Realising how awkward she made the situation, Bancroft downed the rest of her drink and left to get more.

Eventually, the time had come. The lights dimmed, and shown on the big screen was the latest broadcast of The Eternal Abyss. It was a resounding success. The nobles gasped in shock and excitement as Harmony, previously known as The Chimaera, sacrificed her chance to escape The Eternal Abyss to try and save Corinna Warren who was trapped in an underground tunnel. They cheered on Harmony, seeing the desperation in the young woman as she made a futile attempt to search for the missing Corinna Warren. They found the unexpected alliance with the imps somehow sweet and refreshing. They revelled in the rematch between Corinna Warren and Jessica the Marionette. Then finally they gave a standing ovation when Corinna and Harmony were finally reunited with Duke Hartell clapping the loudest and crying at the same time.

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