||Another Trap||

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Meanwhile, Sahil and Kavita both are sleeping satisfied after a long passionate night, when a loud knock on their hotel room's door break their peaceful sleep. Cursing on that person, Sahil gets up and wears his pant and then goes to open the door. Looking at the person standing before him, he gets angry and asks in hush yet strict voice : What is this, Mr Smith? What's so important there that you have thought to break my peaceful slumber after my so much warnings too? Better it be important or i'll cut your this month's salary!

Mr Smith gulps hard and shows him the newspapers of today saying - "Sir, it seems someone has been spying upon you till now."

Looking at the front-page of every newspaper, Sahil gets fury upon that unknown person and stands there worriedly thinking what should be his next step in this position! Because he must have to prove himself innocent otherwise his business will be in stake! He curses Sanskar in his mind because after leaving this earth also he is not leaving him in peace! Yes, thinking about Sanskar reminds him of real problem! It's about KAVITA SHARMA! To save himself he must have to draft a drama now..because if one Kavita goes out from his life then another Kavita is always ready to be his bed-partner!(He thinks it in mind and orders Mr Smith to do something urgent without anyone's notice. At which Mr Smith nods his head and goes from there while Sahil closes the door and turns towards a sleeping Kavita.)

Sahil(in mind):- Now it's time for you Kavita to go to jail! We have a mutual attraction towards each other which we have fulfilled till now! Moreover, you've been getting money and fame for being with famous business man, Mr Sahil Sengupta. While on the other hand, I have enjoyed your body but now I can't take risk. If it's proved that I've helped you in murder of Sanskar Maheswari then I'll be destroyed. So it's better if we part our ways. Good bye, Ms Sharma! Well, I've enjoyed all nights with you!

Thinking those, he gets ready and leaves from there but before going keeps a chit on the table beside bed.


Here Kavita gets up from sleep and founds the bed beside her empty! Looking around the room, she couldn't find Sahil anywhere. Then her eyes go towards the wall clock..it's already 8 o'clock of morning. She gets up immediately and goes to be fresh. After coming out, she does her make up and goes to pick up her clutch and mobile from the bed side table to join Sahil downstairs thinking he is busy in his work. But the next moment she finds one piece of paper there and comes to know Sahil has ditched her at this moment when police can catch her any moment! Getting angry on that selfish man-whore, she checks out from the hotel to meet him personally.

Other side, Sahil has already reached in Kolkata on his personal chopper while Kavita is flying on a business class flight.

After landing in Kolkata, Kavita directly goes to meet Sahil at his house while guards stop her ar the entrance only. But when she warns Sahil on call that she will go to media and will explode the truth to them, she gets the chance to enter inside. After going into hall, she finds Sahil gulping some soft drinks as stress-booster. Going straight to him, Kavita starts screaming - How could you ditch me, Mr Sengupta when i'm hanging between life and death!

Sahil replies her nonchalantly - It's not my problem, Ms Sharma! You see it's your own problem because Sanskar Maheswari used to be your boyfriend while he has been my business rival! So how could I assist the girlfriend of my business rival?

"Oh..so now I've become your business rival's girlfriend! Then what about those nights you have enjoyed in my arms! Have you forgot those all?" - says a furious looking Kavita.

Sahil:- Look Ms Sharma, it's pure business because I've enjoyed your body while you've got money in its term. There is no extra relationship in between us. We have shared only one relationship and that is - "give and take" policy! Other than that, I'm not comfortable to talk with you regarding all those things!

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