||Moving On||

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Now Swara is busy in completing the bribe for her little students. Yes, she is now in story teller's role. Amidst of all children, one young man of early thirties could be seen and he is also listening to Swara being amazed of her voice.

While telling stories, Swara has noticed Sanskar's intense gaze upon her and that just shakes her from the core. It's not that Sanskar is mentally challenged but it's like sometimes he gets into some mental trauma when he gets some black images from past. Moreover, he has lost his past memories fully and that gives him immense headache and that's why he behaves rudely with others. What could you expect more from a person who has lost his full memory of last thirty years of his life? Thinking all these and listening to Swara's request all have accepted Sanskar and from now he will be living with swara in this orphanage.

Looking at him, Swara losses herself in the past memory that has happened only few hours back.


Kavya, Swara's one colleague shakes her by holding her hand a little. And this breaks her trance.

Kavya(worried):- What happens to you, Swara di? From the time you've seen this man, You're looking very tensed. Is it something serious?

Swa(smiles a little):- No.. actually (looking towards the principal) this man is my ex-fiance, Sanskar ji. After he has refused to marry me as I'm orphan, his parents have broken the marriage and then I've come here. After that you all know about my life here. So seeing him before my eyes after two long years and that too in this state has made me nostalgic. That's it and nothing else.

All have noticed tear in the corner of her eyes while saying this and all feel bad for this poor soul. While Kavya holds her from side and starts to curse Sanskar in her mind, a very epic quality of her bubbly nature.

Kavya:- Now I know why he has become like this. You know Swara di, God has punished him for rejecting the angel like you.

Swara quickly makes her silent and rebukes her for uttering nonsense against her Sanskar ji. At her jesture all get the point that still now she loves this man immensely though he has humiliated her before all. So all get silent while Kavya pouts at which Swara hugs her in side way.

But listening to her, the doctor gets into thought. Seeing him tensed, Swara asks somewhat being worried and her that tone amazes all. As after being rejected also, she thinks about this man.

Swa:- Doctor, why are you so tensed? Will not Sanskar ji get back his memory?

Doc(in tensed voice):- Actually Swara, I'm tensed because if you try to memorise him forcefully or by any means then it can harmful for him. So it's better to keep him in dark.

Kavya:- But Swara didi has called him as "Sanskar ji", then what will happen now? I mean now this man knows Swara didi is aware of his identity.

Doc:- Yeah.. that's also right. Then we will tell him that you know him from before as you have met him in some local transport .. so you know his name. That's it.

All nod in yes after realising the situation of Sanskar.

Flashback Ends•

Swara comes back from her memory lane when Kavya enters into the room and sits beside Sanskar who frowns a little seeing her extra cheesy behaviour.

Kavya (showing her teeth):- Oh..I'm Swara didi's little sister. You may call me sissy (utters under breath - your future sali saheba..haye when the day will come that I can see Swara di to be married with her LOVE).

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