Chapter 11

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I nodded, watching Dave and Dream pace the living room, Sykunno was silently sitting on a chair in the room I was in, it seemed forever until Corpse and Sean walked back into the living from downstairs. Sykunno got up and looked at the two boys, who ignored everyone, the heated situation only made my anxiety worsen by the minute, no one said a word for a while until Dream sighed.

"Okay, what happened?" He asked and everyone looked at him, I covered my ears not wanting to hear anyone yell. There was only muffled voices so I didn't hear anything.

"Sky" I heard Sykunno say and I looked at him with my ears still covered. He sat down next to me and looked at the ground "it's going to be okay, no one is yelling or getting hurt" Sykunno said and it uncovered my ears. "Besides Corpse is calling you" Sykunno said and sure enough Corpse called my name.

"Sky" Corpse said and I shook my head "please" he said and I shook my head again staying were I was, I know that he wanted me over to him but I didn't want to move. "Okay I'll come pick you up then" Corpse said and walked into the room, Sykunno quickly got up and walked out of the room.

"I don't want to" I mumbled and Corpse laughed and shook his head.

"Too bad" he said and picked me up, I tried getting out of his arms but he shot me a glare making me stop. "Good" he muttered and sat us in living room, he snuggled his face in my neck and I tried pushing him away but his grip got tighter. "Please" he said and I sighed and leaned my head on his shoulder.

"I'm sorry Sky" Sean said quietly, I ignored him not wanted to talk to him or anything, I felt Corpse sigh.

"Sky, do you want to pick a movie for us to watch?" Corpse asked and I looked up at him, he smiled and I nodded. I scramble off of Corpse's lap and walked over to the entertainment center with all of our movies in it. I went through the movies and pulled out beauty and the beast the live action movie, I tried turning on the DVD player, keyword there is tried.

"Stupid technology" I mumbled and then the DVD player turned on and the disc tray slowly opened. I looked over my shoulder and saw Corpse holding the remote in his hands pointing at the DVD player.

"You're welcome" he said and I smiled, I put the CD in the player and the tray closes slowly. I quickly walked back to Corpse and sat down in Corpse's lap again, Sykunno, Sean, Dave and Dream all sat down either on the other couch or the floor. As the movie started everyone got quite, Corpse wrapped his arms around my waist and pulls me into his chest, his head on my shoulder, and my whole body leaning against him.

"Is this beauty and the beast the live action?" Dave asked as it got to the main menu.

"Yeah" Corpse said looking at the screen, I was watching the main menu move, then Corpse started the movie, Dream got up off the floor and into the kitchen and starts going through it. "You better not be destroying the kitchen Dream" Corpse said and Dream looked at him.

"No I'm not destroying Sky's kitchen, I'm finding the drinks and snacks" Dream said and Corpse paused the movie, I got off Corpse and was about to go help Dream when Corpse pulled me next to him then he got up.

"I'll get the drinks, and you can get the snacks" Corpse said, as he opens the fridge and took out some pop, Corpse pointed at the cabinet and Dream walked over and took out some snacks. I stayed silent knowing Corpse would get my favorite drink and snack.

"Okay, let's see" Dream mumbled and took a few snacks out, Corpse walks out and offers everyone a drink.

"Not that one, that's Sky's, sorry dude it's her favorite drink" Corpse told Sykunno as he reaches for a sprite.

"He can have one Corpse, I'll just get another from the fridge" I said getting up and walking into the kitchen, I opened the fridge and noticed my sprite's were gone. I walked into my office and opened my mini fridge which I swear I stocked it a few days ago, but they were gone as well.

"That's why I was giving it to you, Sky" Corpse said as I walk back into the living room, Dream had a drink in his hand and my snacks in his lap, which I took from him.

"It's fine Sky, I'll just take a water bottle" Sykunno said with water in his hands.

"Why did you take my snack?!" Dream asked as I sat next to Corpse.

"Because these are my snacks they have my name on it" I said and turned the bag over to show Dream it had Sky on it.

"Damn it" Dream mumbled and took something else from the table.

"Okay let's start the movie!" Dave said and Sean nodded silently. Corpse started the movie again and we watched it quietly. The movie went on and everyone was silently watching until Dave randomly laughed at something, everyone looked over at him and glared. "Sorry!" He said and closed his mouth.

"As much as this movie is entertaining, gabs wants me home soon" Sean said and I looked over at him.

"Give me your phone" I said and Sean looked at me and gave me his phone, I sent a quick text to Gabby 'hey gabs it's sky, do you mind if Sean stays at my place a little bit longer? We are watching a movie, we're like halfway through it' I sent the text and watched as the chat bubbled move.

'oh didn't realize he was watching a movie, yeah sure, he can stay the night as well if he wants' Gabby said and I hand Sean his phone back.

"You're welcome" I said and Sean looked at me and smiled a little, Corpse played the movie and we kept watching it. As the movie ended, Sean, Sykunno and Dave were all fell asleep, Corpse was staring at me, I was half asleep, and Dream was in the restroom.

"Ready to go to sleep?" Corpse asked and I shook my head and snuggled into his chest. "You look tired baby, you need rest" Corpse said and I yawned.

"No, I'm fine" I said looking up at him and he chuckled.

"You don't look fine" Corpse said just as Dream came out of the bathroom.

"Sky go get some rest, we aren't leaving anytime soon" Dream said yawning. Corpse picked me up and carried me all the way to our room he laid me down on the bed and we heard movement from the living room, Sean, Dave and Sykunno all were getting up getting ready to go but I tugged on corpses arm.

"Guys we have extra space if you want to stay the night, it's 2:30 am you shouldn't be driving" Corpse said, Dream was already passed out on the couch and Sean throw a pillow at him waking him up.

"Sure" Sean said and I smiled at him a little bit.

"I don't want to be a bother" Sykunno said and I frowned.

"Nonsense Sykunno, it's too early to be out and driving" I said yawning.

"Someone needs to sleep" Dream said chuckling and I shrugged.

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